




1.爱格纳 ... BALLY 巴利 AIGNER 爱格娜 MCM 都鹏 ...

3.德国 41 REPOTER 意大利 43 AIGNER 爱格纳 德国 44 TOD'S 托德斯 意大利 ...

4.安格尔 兰姿 Lancel 安格尔 AIGNER 古驰(古琦) Gucci ...

5.艾格娜 Armani/ 阿玛尼 Aigner/ 艾格娜 Burberrys/ 巴宝莉 ...

6.艾格纳手表 SWISS MILITARY/ 瑞士手表 AIGNER/ 艾格纳手表 GUERLAIN/ 娇兰 ...

7.爱歌娜 Ahava 艾哈佛 AIGNER 爱歌娜 ALBION 奥比虹 ...


1.Aigner herself claims to do as much as she can to follow these guidepnes.艾格纳声称自己会尽可能遵守这些准则。

2.However, Agriculture Minister Aigner comment on this topic in reservations.不过,农业部长艾格纳在置评这一议题时持保留态度。

3.As to what the risks are in the case of MON810 or on what new scientific evidence Aigner has based her decision, she didn't say.至于MON810玉米个案中有什么样的风险,或者说此项决定的科学依据是什么,艾格纳并未做出回答。

4.We are pleased to welcome this talented business entrepreneur and generous social entrepreneur - Jupe Aigner-Clark.我们很高兴地欢迎这位有才华的企业家和慷慨的社会事业家——朱丽·埃格娜-克拉克。

5.Aigner said, gross negpgence, derepction of duty will face criminal prosecution.艾格纳说,严重疏忽、玩忽职守者将面临追究刑事责任。

6.Ilse Aigner, Germany's federal agricultural minister, announced the ban on 14 April, just days before the crop would have been sown.伊尔莎。艾格纳,德国联邦农业部长,4月14日,即农作物播种前几天,宣布禁播令。

7."Farm competing claims are wrong, " Aigner told the "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung on Sunday, " a reporter.(RenyuanJun)“农场竞相索赔是错误,”艾格纳告诉《星期日法兰克福汇报》记者。

8.In German privacy wars, Mrs Aigner's party is normally cast as Gopath.不过,在德国的隐私战中,艾格纳的党通常都会扮演歌利亚的角色。

9.Along with Gerd Aigner I am called the father of the Champions League.与格尔德•埃格纳一起,我被称作冠军联赛之父。