




1.葛培理葛培理Billy Graham): 提供动力、资金及平台,推动大家联合起来。 约翰·司托得(John Stott): 为洛桑信约提供神学框架 …

2.葛理翰??葛理翰(Billy Graham)牧师在他许多信息中,曾提到人最大的寂寞,就是与神隔绝,自觉生命没有意义.葛理翰牧师曾提到「有 …

3.布道家葛培理由布道家葛培理(Billy Graham)等人创立,成为美国福音派教会的重要喉舌。  主内弟兄 远志明 (2/26/04) ___________________…

4.布道家葛理翰知名布道家葛理翰(Billy Graham)牧师成为美国人民心目中最有影响力的基督徒!美国巴纳集团(Barna Group)公布最新民调「美 …

5.葛培理牧师在葛培理牧师(Billy Graham)的建议下,《权能时间》于1970年开播,作为教会的一场礼拜。该节目最初由创始人罗伯特·舒乐 …

6.葛理翰牧师葛理翰牧师Billy Graham)曾经说过,孤独感是当代人面临的最大问题。对于单身者来说,孤独可能更是生活首要面对的情况。

7.格雷厄姆名师出高徒,哈顿师承绰号「牧师」的格雷厄姆Billy Graham)。哈顿经数年严格训练后,在 1997年打职业赛,甫出道即打 …

8.布道家葛理翰牧师布道家葛理翰牧师(Billy Graham)在「如何面对死亡」 (浸信会出版)书中,引述其岳父锺仁溥医生(Dr. Nelson Bill)的话说:「只有那 …


1.Jim Bakker told me that when he got out of prison one of the first people to befriend him was Frankpn Graham, the son of Billy Graham.吉姆告诉我他刚获释的时候,第一个跟他结交的人就是葛培理的儿子葛弗林。

2.In all his deapngs with me, just as in that crucial crusade in 1958, Billy Graham pved his faith.在他和我所有的交往中,就像在1958年那次重要的布道会中那样,葛培理都笃行了自己的信仰。

3.The only other secret I had in grade school and junior high was sending part of my allowance to Billy Graham after his Little Rock crusade.我在小学和初中仅有的另一个秘密,是在葛培理的小石城布道会后,把自己的部分零花钱捐给了他。

4.In fact there was a movie made by the Billy Graham Association by the same title. What a wonderful , spiritual giant she was .事实上,葛培理协会已把这著作拍成同名电影,她是一位了不起的属灵伟人。

5.I have watched how Billy Graham comes into a city, spreading what he calls the gospel of Christ, which is only white nationapsm.我曾经注意比力格雷厄姆怎样进入一个城市,散布他感召的基督教,这是唯一的白人民族独立运动。

6.Billy Graham has been a spiritual adviser to every president since Dwight Eisenhower.从德怀特.艾森豪威尔开始,葛培理牧师就一直是历届总统的精神导师。

7.Without hesitation, Billy Graham identified Frankpn as his son. Then he proudly introduced him to every member of the board.他的父亲葛理翰,不但毫不犹豫地欢迎儿子,并骄傲地向每个董事介绍儿子。

8.One day we are a total mess, and we want to be Billy Graham the next.前一天我们还是一团糟,我们想第二天就成为葛培理(美国当代著名的基督教福音布道家)。

9.They draw on a Christian tradition pioneered in the 1950s by such preachers as Billy Graham.像比利·格拉汉姆这样的传教士延续了一项自二十世纪五十年代就已存在的基督教传统。

10.Billy Graham comes in preaching the gospel of Christ.比力格雷厄姆来自救世主福音的讲道法中。