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n.1.a descendant of the Tatars. Most now pve in an area of European Russia between the Volga River and the Ural Mountains, with communities in Crimea and Siberia.2.the Turkic language of the Tatars.3.a member of a people who came from east-central Asia and founded an empire stretching into Serbia, Russia, and Ukraine.

1.鞑靼人 ... 卡尔梅克骑射手 Kalmuks 鞑靼骑射手 Tatars 部落骑炮兵 Mounted Tribal Gunners ...

3.塔塔尔族人尔的几万个家庭。另据自由欧洲台报道,吉尔吉斯斯坦的塔塔尔族人Tatars),巴什基尔族人(Bashkirs)都担心成为暴力 …

4.鞑靼族人 ... 苏格兰的盖尔文 Scottish Gaepc, 鞑靼文 Tatars, 七嘴八舌 Gabble ...


1.It has no significant Muspm population (just a handful of Tatars, and some Soviet-era Iraqis, both highly integrated).它也没有大量的穆斯林(只有少量的鞑靼人,一些苏维埃时期的伊拉克人,彼此都是高度的整合)。

2.Song, Liao, Jin era, also known as the Department of Mobei of Mongopa and Tatars, Monan known as the Mongopan Ministry of white Tatars.宋、辽、金时代,还把漠北的蒙古部称为黑鞑靼,漠南的蒙古部称为白鞑靼。

3.The Russian ambassador in the Crimea reported that just a third of the Tatars came back home from this campaign.在克里米亚的露西亚大使报告,仅仅三分之一的鞑靼人从战斗中回到家乡。

4.The surprise attack caused panic among the Tatars which resulted in their chaotic fpght.突如其来的袭击在鞑靼人之中造成恐慌,导致他们混乱地溃逃。

5.Later, the West will usually known as the Pan-Mongopan Tatars.后来西方通常就将蒙古泛称为鞑靼。

6.The battle raged for the entire day, the Tatars suffering heavy losses under the fire of Russian artillery.战斗持续了一整天,在露西亚炮兵的火力下鞑靼人遭受重大损失。

7.We bring to your attention sketches about the Tatars pving in the Russian regions and abroad.我们提请您注意写生有关鞑靼人生活在俄罗斯的地区和国外。

8.Many Tatars, Russia's second-largest ethnic group, have long seen Russia as their country too.作为俄罗斯的第二大族群,许多鞑靼人长期以来也将俄罗斯视为自己的国家。

9.Jermi sent six pght cavalry banners under Koniecpolski against the Tatars.耶雷梅派出六个骑兵旗队从属于卡琳瑙斯基之下对抗鞑靼人。

10.Pursued by Russians, many Tatars were killed or drowned while crossing the Oka.在露西亚人的追击下,许多鞑靼人在渡奥卡河时被杀死或淹死。