


美式发音: [ˈʃɑrləˌmen] 英式发音: [ˈʃɑ:ləˈmein]





1.查理曼 ... narrowly:only just,scarcely 词语解释 Charlemagne 查理曼专栏 SimEurope 模拟欧洲 ...


1.On the face of it, the pact is about bolstering the economic bit of Europe's economic and monetary union (see Charlemagne).乍看之下,这项协议是为了促进欧洲经济与货币联盟中经济部分的发展。

2.He was crowned by the Pope in Paris, taking the crown from the Pope and putting it upon his own head himself as Charlemagne had directed.教皇在巴黎为他加冕,他从教皇手中接过王冠,自己戴在头上,就像查理大帝以前教导的那样。

3.Leo had no doubt that Charlemagne received his emperor's crown because , and only because, he, the Pope, willed it in the name of God.利奥相信查理曼接受皇冠,是因为他这个教皇代表了神的名义。

4.In 778 Charlemagne invaded Spain, trying to take advantage of skirmishes between the Muspm rulers, but was repulsed at Saragossa.在778沙勒迈恩入侵西班牙,企图利用冲突的穆斯林统治者之间,但被击退在萨拉戈萨。

5.As he had the name of being very dangerous in the Charlemagne courtyard, he was placed in the New Building.他在查理大帝院里,被公认为一个相当危险的人物,别人便把他安插在新大楼里。

6.A FEW times a year, Charlemagne has the luck to teach students at a European management school in Paris.每年,Charlemagne有几次机会去给位于巴黎的欧洲管理学院的学生上课。

7.Charlemagne is trying to make people grasp the Roman culture and Christian culture.查理大帝则力图使其国人掌握罗马文化和基督教文化。

8.It would be pke one of our leaders going back to the wars of Charlemagne.这就像我们的某位领导人回顾查理大帝(Charlemagne)时代的战争一样。

9.The Saint-Bernard courtyard was no longer absolutely isolated from the Charlemagne and the Saint-Louis courts.圣贝尔纳院和查理大帝院以及圣路易院之间已不是绝对隔离的了。

10.Charlemagne, a genial giant of a man, combined skill in war with a passion for learning and wholehearted support for Christianity.查理曼这位和蔼可亲的伟人,把作战技能同热爱知识和全心全意支持基督教的热情结合起来。