

back order

美式发音: ['bækəʊərdər] 英式发音: ['bækəʊərdər]





1.延期交货 Barrier 障碍 Backorder 延期交货 Burgeon 发芽 开始生长 ...

2.缺货后补 ... available-to-promise rule( 可承诺量规则) backorder欠交订单) backordered pnes( 拖欠订单行) ...

4.延交订单 ... backflush operation( 倒冲事务处理) backorder延交订单) backordered pnes( 延交订单行) ...


6.延迟交货EBS 发运管理操作实例11——延迟交货Backorder) (flying-kite, 2009-12-28)EBS 发运管理操作实例12——延迟接口处理(D…

7.缺货可能产生补货缺货可能产生补货(Backorder)、损失销售(Lost Sale)或部分补货(Partial Backorder)之结果。 3. 输出结果分析与验证 本章节将 …


1.View the contents of the file to confirm that the file shows the same BACKORDER entry shown in Step 9.查看这个文件的内容,从而确认这个文件显示了与Step9中所显示的是相同的BACKORDER入口。

2.Inventory decision-making; Hybrid system; Manufacturing and remanufacturing; Backorder; Supply modes.库存决策;混合系统;制造与再制造;延迟交货;供应模式。

3.One featured Valentine's Day gift--a $2, 325 heart and arrow charm pendant--is already on backorder, according to the company's Web site.据该公司网站透露,售价2325美元的一套精选情人节礼物,心与箭的可爱吊坠,已经售空缺货了。

4.An inventory model for deteriorating items with backorder dependent lost rate and time value of money损失率依赖于缺货量资金折现的变质库存模型

5.Equivalence between the Inventory-Optimal Oddment Allocation and the Backorder-Optimal One零头分配中库存最优与缺货最优的等价性

6.Fuzzy Inventory Model with Backorder and Its Optimum Solution考虑缺货的模糊库存模型及其优化求解

7.Reseller receiving the order summary and processing the backorder分销商收到订单汇总并处理推迟的订单

8.Reseller placing the order on backorder and creating the purchase order分销商推迟订单并创建一个购买订单

9.An ATO System with Salvage Cost and Backorder Cost一个带有回收费用和短缺费用的ATO系统

10.Inventory Model with Controllable Lead Time and Variable Backorder Rate基于可控提前期和可变押后订单比例的库存问题研究