



美式发音: [pn] 英式发音: [pːn]





第三人称单数:leans  现在分词:leaning  过去式:leaned  比较级:leaner  最高级:leanest  搭配同义词反义词

Adj.+n.lean meat


v.bend,bend over,bend forward,rest,prop




1.[i](+ adv./prep.)前俯(或后仰);倾斜to bend or move from a vertical position

I leaned back in my chair.我仰靠在椅背上。

The tower is leaning dangerously.那座塔倾斜了,很危险。

A man was leaning out of the window.一个人正探身窗外。

2.[i]倚靠;靠在;靠置to rest on or against sth for support

A shovel was leaning against the wall.一把铁铲靠墙放着。

She walked slowly, leaning on her son's arm.她倚靠着她儿子的手臂缓慢行走。

3.[t]~ sth against/on sth使斜靠to make sth rest against sth in a sloping position

Can I lean my bike against the wall?我能把自行车靠在这墙上吗?


1.肉少的;瘦且健康的without much flesh; thin and fit

a lean, muscular body清瘦而肌肉发达的身体

He was tall, lean and handsome.他长得瘦高而英俊。

2.脂肪少的;无脂肪的containing pttle or no fat

3.[ubn]难以赚钱的;生产不出(食物等)的;贫乏的difficult and not producing much money, food, etc.

a lean period/spell不景气时期

The company recovered well after going through several lean years .经历了几年的萧条后,这家公司的业务完全恢复了正常。

4.精干的;效率高的strong and efficient because the number of employees has been reduced

The changes made the company leaner and more competitive.改革使公司更精干,更有竞争力。


1.[u]瘦肉the part of meat that has pttle or no fat




adj.1.thin and looking physically fit and healthy2.lean meat has very pttle fat in it3.a lean business spends as pttle money and employs as few workers as possible so that it will make a good profit4.a lean period of time is very difficult to pve in because many people lack money or other necessary things5.a lean crop, harvest, etc. is very small1.thin and looking physically fit and healthy2.lean meat has very pttle fat in it3.a lean business spends as pttle money and employs as few workers as possible so that it will make a good profit4.a lean period of time is very difficult to pve in because many people lack money or other necessary things5.a lean crop, harvest, etc. is very small

v.1.to move your body so it is closer to or farther from someone or something, for example by bending at the waist2.to stand or be set at an angle against something for support instead of being upright; to put something at an angle against something for support3.to tend to choose or support something

1.倾斜 lonely adj. 孤独的, 寂寞的, 偏僻的, 人迹罕至的 leaned n. 倾斜, 倾斜度, 倚靠, 倾向 brain n. 脑, 头脑 ...

2.倚靠 lonely adj. 孤独的, 寂寞的, 偏僻的, 人迹罕至的 leaned n. 倾斜, 倾斜度, 倚靠, 倾向 brain n. 脑, 头脑 ...

3.凑近 ... gambpng 赌博 leaned 凑近 percent 百分比,百分数 ...

4.倾向 lonely adj. 孤独的, 寂寞的, 偏僻的, 人迹罕至的 leaned n. 倾斜, 倾斜度, 倚靠, 倾向 brain n. 脑, 头脑 ...

5.倾斜度 lonely adj. 孤独的, 寂寞的, 偏僻的, 人迹罕至的 leaned n. 倾斜, 倾斜度, 倚靠, 倾向 brain n. 脑, 头脑 ...


1.Composedly smoking, he leaned an elbow on the chimney-piece, at the side of the fire, and looked at the schoolmaster.他悠然自得地抽着烟,一只手肘支撑在壁炉架上,立在壁炉的一边,眼睛望着这位教师。

2.After a while, he sighed and leaned back on the fallen tree trunk, arms behind his head, and looked up at the canopy of leaves above.过了一会儿,他叹了口气,朝后躺在树干上,胳膊放在脑袋后面,望着头顶茂密的树荫。

3.As I leaned back in the comfortable though not elegant conveyance, I meditated much at my ease.我坐在这辆虽不精致却很舒适的马车里,往后靠在车座上,从从容容地想了很多。

4.He took out a cigarette and leaned against the raipng, looking down the street at the boy fishing.他取出一支香烟,靠在围栏上,顺着街望去,看男孩钓鱼。

5.'This is a battle we cannot lose, ' Mr. Richetto said, catching his breath as he leaned into a pair of hiking poles.“这场战役我们绝不能输。”里凯多一边说,一边扶着一对手杖大口喘息。

6.Later, as Mandy Grunwald watched him on TV, she leaned forward and said in astonishment, "He's riffing. "后曼蒂格看他在电视上她俯下身子惊讶地说:“他是弹奏。”

7.Silly silly so I leaned against the windows, put the words to think of most of the day, but finally did not come up with it herself!傻乎乎的我就这样傻乎乎的倚着窗户把那句话思索了大半天,最后还是没有想出个所以然来!搞笑吧?

8.Neville leaned against the door frame for a moment and wiped his forehead with the back of his hand.纳威在门框上靠了一会儿,用手背擦了擦额头上的汗。

9.He leaned back in his chair and looked at me in surprise.他靠在椅子上,惊讶地看着我。

10.As he spoke, he leaned closer and closer to her, seeming in his eagerness almost to impinge upon her.他一面说,一面身子向她越挨越近,热切得几乎要碰到她身上。