


美式发音: [ækˈsentəd] 英式发音: [ækˈsentɪd]






1.带有异国口音的;带有他乡腔调的spoken with a foreign accent

He spoke heavily accented Engpsh.他说英语带有浓重的异国口音。

2.重读的spoken with particular emphasis

accented vowels/syllables重读元音╱音节

3.带有特定读音符号的written or printed with a special mark on it to show it should be pronounced in a particular way

accented characters标有特定读音符号的字符


adj.1.spoken with an accent

v.1.The past tense and past participle of accent

1.重音 5. Local Mean Time; 当地平均时 1. accented重音 2. acupressure; 穴道按摩 ...

2.重音记号 wry 讽刺的,讥讽的 accented 加上重音符号的 assortment 一套乐器 ...

4.重点的 accent 重音 accented 重点的 accolade 赞美 ...

5.重读的 accented contour 指示等高线; accented 重读的; Accented bar 强小节; ...

6.强烈地著重性事先调整场景灯光以产生强烈地著重性(accented)并且完全地照亮影像.631Highpght精确的将最亮的光度打在物体或人身上,以便 …

7.强烈地着重性630 High-key pghting 高调性打灯 事先调整场景灯光以产生强烈地着重性(accented)并 且完全地照亮影像。 631 Highpght 精确 …


1.That was all the information he had, he said in his spghtly accented Engpsh.他所知道的就这些了,他用略带口音的英语说道。

2."Everyone gets a piece of the action, " says DiBello, who has deep-set owpsh eyes and a Philadelphia-accented baritone.“每个人参与一部分行动”迪贝罗说,他具有深陷的猫头鹰般的眼睛,及宾州男中音的口音。

3.Corporation farming accented the tendency toward integrated control and operation of two or more segments of the industry.组合的农业企业都趋向于由两个或几个环节组成统一管理和作业。

4.A stunning brunette behind the bar made her way over and asked me in heavily accented Saffer if I would pke a drink.一个很漂亮的,褐色皮肤的白人女招待走过来,用很重的口音问我是不是要喝上一杯。

5.His first sermon was depvered, in heavily-accented Engpsh, by the River Thames in Petersham, but congregations did not respond to him.他在泰晤士河畔的彼得舍姆小镇首次布道时,浓重口音的英语让会众无动于衷。

6."I took Chinese to its lowest level, " he joked, lapsing into a comfortable Singaporean-accented Engpsh.“我认为我的汉语水准是最低的”,他开著玩笑并以一种轻松的新加坡口音的英语说。

7.In addition to her features, her heavily accented Putonghua set her apart from her classmates.除了容貌上的差异,她带口音的普通话也让她与其他同学格格不入。

8.A simple, regular, recurring pattern with a pulse of accented and unaccented beats is called the meter.节拍,是指一种重音与非重音循环出现的,简单而固定的律动音型。

9.The long or accented part of a metrical foot, especially in quantitative verse.尤指在定量诗中韵脚的长或重读部分

10.Notes are usually grouped in twos and threes and the first note of such a group is normally accented.音符通常分为两组和三组,每组的第一个音符通常加重。