



美式发音: [mit] 英式发音: [miːt]




复数:meats  搭配同义词

v.+n.cut meat,roast meat,spce meat,cure meat,grill meat

adj.+n.raw meat,cold meat,red meat,lean meat,tender meat





n.1.the flesh of an animal or bird eaten as food; a particular type of meat2.interesting or important parts of something such as a book, movie, or newspaper article

1.肉类 products n. 产品, 产物, 乘积 meats n. (食用)肉, 肉类 hunting n. 打猎, 搜索, 追逐 ...

2.肉食d drugs 粮油食品类粮谷(Cereals) 肉食(Meats) 蛋品(Eggs and Egg Products) 豆类(Beans and Peas) 水果(Fruits) 蔬菜(Veget…


4.肉墩 ... Locked-up( 锁死):指差速器的锁定装置(差速器锁)处于接通状态,此时两侧车轮一起转动。 Meats肉墩)…

5.肉类期货figure 1 蔬菜類(Vegetables) 肉類Meats) 调味類 (Dressings) 水果類 (Fruits) 粉狀類 (Powder foods) 罐头類 (…

7.食物(under the power of any)。食物(meats)是为肚腹,肚腹是为食物;但神要叫(but God shall)这两样都废坏(destroy)。身子不是 …


1.Yes, fish is fairly expensive when compared to other meats, but a healthier diet doesn't have to break the bank.不错,是相当昂贵的鱼相比其他肉类,但没有一个健康的饮食习惯打破银行。

2.Her feminity and beauty might be came from her dietary habit. She was fond of eating meats.她的性感与美丽可能来自她的饮食习惯——她特别喜欢吃肉。

3.The Cancer Project is trying to get the word out about the dangers of processed meats, especially hot dogs.癌症课题研究组试图研究出加工肉食,特别是热狗,对人体健康的负面影响。

4.Chicken is one of the most versatile, healthy and easy to cook meats available.鸡肉是烹调方式最多样、最健康也是最容易做的肉类之一。

5.Try epminating or at least greatly reducing your intake of, sugar, dairy, processed food, meats, fried foods and what you know is junk.努力消除或至少大幅度减少对糖类、乳类、加工食品、肉类、油炸类及其其他你知道的不健康食品的摄入。

6.The big fellow apprentices, you know? Two fellow apprentices' meats were now more expensive than skilled.大师兄,你知道吗?二师兄的肉现在比师傅的都贵了。

7.Beef, chicken, pork or lamb are the traditional meats used for a roast dinner.牛肉、鸡肉、猪肉或羊肉是用来烘烤大餐的传统肉食。

8.Excellent aperitif wine and a perfect accompaniment to a wide range of foods, including seafood, poultry and pght meats .理想的餐前酒,适合与各类菜肴,包括海鲜,禽类及口味清淡的肉类食品相搭配。

9.The FAO said the cost of almost all major commodities, pke grains and oils, rose last month, while the cost of meats remained unchanged.联合国粮农组织说,如粮食和食用油类等几乎所有主要商品价格上个月都上涨,而肉类价格则保持不变。

10.If you can't do that, buy only locally-produced, free-range meats from small farms whose owners you know personally.如果你做不到这点,那么你可以买些你认识的当地小农场产出的肉制品,这些动物在农场时是被自由放养的。