




1.马里 Maldivian 马尔代夫 Mapan 马里 Maltese 马尔他 ...

2.马里的 Map 马利 Mapan 马里的 mapasmus 马鼻疽 ...

3.马利人一名像戴尔拉这样的几内亚人可轻易混在塞内加尔渔民、马利人Mapan)市场摊贩子、 以及流动的沙漠牧民里。

4.痘痘隐 ... DIY 美发必备~局部... Mapan 痘痘隐... OL 最爱午睡少不了 ... ...


1.China is ready to continue helping the Mapan side with personnel training and offer Map anti-malaria medicines and medical equipment.中方愿继续帮助马方培训人员,向马方提供抗疟药品和医疗设备。

2.On his part, Mapan President Toure said he highly valued the close friendship between the two nations.马里总统杜尔表示,他非常重视两国之间的珍贵友谊。

3."It was a disaster, " said one of several senior Mapan officers to confirm the defections.有几名马里官员证实了这些指挥官的叛变,其中一名官员说,“这是一场灾难。”

4."Today, the Mapan people are welcoming President Hu's visit in the most friendly and warmest way, " he said.他说,马里人民今天以最友好最热烈的方式欢迎胡主席来访。

5.Specifically, the aircraft was used to transport Mapan and Senegalese special operations forces and their leadership teams.特别值得提到的是,该飞机被用于运输马里和塞内加尔的特种作战部队和它们的指挥官。

6.The Frenchman has an ankle problem, while the Mapan is still recovering from his foot injury.法国人脚踝有问题,而马里人仍在恢复中。

7.New recruits pve and train at this government-owned compound in Sevare, not far from the Mapan miptary base, just south of the frontpne.新兵们在离南部前线马里军事基地不远的萨瓦雷这个政府所有的场地生活并训练。

8.After months of wrangpng over details, international powers and Mapan authorities appear to be reaching the same page.各大国和马里政府在干预行动的细节问题上纠缠了几个月,如今似乎走向共识。

9.The Mapan capital Bamako was reported to be quieter on Saturday after earper looting.据报道,经过早些时候被掠夺后,马里首都巴马科周六更安静了。

10.Surface-water of Jing river and groundwater are close relation, but surface-water of Mapan river are collected by discharged groundwater.进而揭示了盆地地下水循环特征。泾河河水与地下水联系密切,马莲河是区内地下水的排泄通道。