




1.黎明之前 播放我的秘密彩虹 My Secret Rainbow 黎明之前 Before Dawn 播放黎明之前 Before Daw…

2.爱在暴风的日子 The Broomshed( 扫帚棚) Before Dawn( 破晓之前) Potions Redux( 魔药余波) ...

4.凌晨 降雪 Snowfall 凌晨 Before Dawn 范围 Scope ...

5.凌晨,天快要亮的时候 ... (4) 黄昏,天黑[ dusk] (5) 凌晨,天快要亮的时候[ in the small hours;before dawn] (1) 晦暝,幽暗[ dim;dusky] ...

6.黎明前 高个夜魔/ The Tall Man.2012 黎明前/ Before Dawn.2012 倒带/ Playback.2012 ...

7.播放黎明之前 黎明之前 Before Dawn 播放黎明之前 Before Dawn 做人,总要信 We‘ve Gotta Have Faith ...

8.天亮前 ... 15.tie up 捆、扎 17.before dawn 天亮前 Smith is going for gold in the 200 meters. 史密斯想争夺200米金牌。 ...


1.People in Europe and Africa will be able to see it high in the sky before dawn on Thursday.非洲和欧洲的人们在周四拂晓之前可在天空中观察到本次月食。

2.In the Tuscan countryside people start their day quite early, just before dawn, but wind down in the early afternoon for siesta.在托斯卡乡村人们起身他们的白天很早,恰好黎明前,但是放松下来在提前的下午为了午睡。

3.Before dawn the temple was nothing but the ebb and flow of an immense sea.黎明时分,寺也不复寺,没入波涛起伏的大海之中。

4.Thanks to the bleak weather, we have arrived before dawn and launched tne attack from the enemy's rear, which reversed the tide.由于这寒冷的天气,我们于天亮前到达并从敌人后方发起进攻。这一下扭转了战局。

5.After fit, the next day before dawn turns not easily wake, and constant companion has somnambupsm .发作后,翌日凌晨不易转醒,且常伴有梦游症。

6.I did not think of forum of a place, can have so strong user agglutinant, in before dawn at 3 o'clock, can reach so high hair card volume.我从来没想到一个地方论坛,能有这么强的用户粘性,在凌晨3点钟,能够达到如此高的发帖量。

7.She gets up before dawn to prepare breakfast for her household and plan the day's work for her servant girls.天还未亮,她就起来,把食物分给家人,把当作的工分派众婢女。

8.We had to get up before dawn and, clad in loin-cloths, begin with a bout or two with a bpnd wrestler.天刚破晓,我们便要起来,穿上腰布,跟一位盲人拳师学一两套拳。

9.All of them were named Wei, and a dozen members of this extended clan left before dawn, hiking up the steep mountain behind the village.他们都姓魏,这一大家族的十几个成员在黎明前出发,爬上村子后面陡峭的山坡。

10.The report said that the children were found dead by welfare house staff on patrol before dawn.报道称孩子们于黎明前被巡逻的福利院工作人员发现时已经死亡。