




1.遍及全国 keep up 坚持;不使(斗志)低落 all over the country 遍及全国 to this day 直到今天 ...

2.全国各地 as a result, therefore),全国各地all over the country),一批又一批High-tech enterprises(高科技企业)涌现出来(mus…

3.整个国家 supply sb. sth 供应某人某物 all over the country 整个国家 137. I guess 我猜测我预料 ...

4.遍布全国 Zhu,Xiang Yun 在线资源: All over the country 遍布全国 Plantae - 植物界 ...

5.举国上下 ... come true 实现,变成现实 all over the country 全国,举国上下 throughout the country 全国,举国上 …

6.遍及全国各处 all over: 处处;到处;结束 all over the country遍及全国各处 at all: 根本;到底 ...

7.遍及整个地方 suggest 预示 all over the country 遍及整个地方 pick up 挑出 ...


1.Canny marketing also played a part, with Kodansha organising lectures and discussion groups all over the country at the time of the launch.精明的营销手段也起到了作用,新书面市期间讲谈社在全国范围内组织了针对《源氏物语》的演讲和讨论活动。

2.The announcement of these men's dismissals acted as a trigger for a series of strikes all over the country.宣布解雇这些人导致全国范围内的一系列罢工。

3.It would be lovely to have this sense of community around learning all over the country and all over the world.感觉到学习社区遍及全国各地和全世界将会令人愉快。

4.Within a week, the images of that night were all over the country.一周之内,那个夜晚的图像传遍了全美国。

5.This fund was supposed to be used for the rehabiptation of water reserves all over the country, before the outbreak of war.这些钱本来是用来修复全国范围内的水坝修复在战争爆发之前。

6.Before the days of television, they used to be shown in cinemas all over the country before the main film was shown.在电视时代了现之前,全国的电影院以前常常先放映这些卡通片,然后才放映主片。

7.He took over the firm in 1989, and promptly started expanding. Sales went through the roof, with store openings all over the country.他与1989年接管公司,并迅速开始扩张,不仅销售额剧增,店铺也遍布国内。

8.People come from all over the country to see who can shuck two-dozen oysters the quickest and the best.全国各地的人们会前来观看谁能在最短的时间内,完美的剥下两打牡蛎。

9.It's quite easy to make fiends all over the country.整个国家到处都很容易交到朋友。

10.They had been wasting the precious time running about all over the country, begging and praying for a candidate.他们浪费宝贵的时光跑遍全国东求西讨想找一位候选人。