




1.预防疾病 prevent A from B 阻止A去做B 3. prevent disease 预防疾病 pretect sb/sth 保护... ...

2.防病 ... prevent and kill off insect pests 防除害虫 prevent disease 防病 prevent frostbite 防冻 ...


1.What's the best way of learning a language? Scientists are trying to find ways to prevent disease.学家们正试图找到防止疾病的方法。科

2.This will assist your naval activity by clearing your ear passageway, getting rid of any bacteria and prevent disease from spreading.通过清除你的耳朵通道,这将有助于您的海军活动,摆脱任何细菌,防止疾病蔓延。

3.The key concept of health preservation in Chinese medicine is "Prevent disease before its occurrence" .中医养生的要诀是“未病先防”。

4.Several studies have not been able to show that taking vitamin supplements in addition to a balanced diet helps to prevent disease.数项研究未能证实为了平衡膳食服用维生素片有助预防疾病。

5.Scientists are trying to find ways to prevent disease.科学家们正试图找到防止疾病的方法。

6.Vaccines contain dead OR harmless germs. They cause the body to develop substances called antibodies that act to prevent disease.疫苗含有死的或无害的病菌。它们让身体产生叫做抗体的物质,抗体预防疾病。

7.As the nets are manufactured locally, President Bush says they not only prevent disease but create jobs as well.这些蚊帐都是当地制作的。布什总统说,这项计划不但可以预防疾病,还可以提供就业机会。

8.Advances in medical knowledge, therapies, and technologies prevent disease, alleviate suffering, and improve quapty of pfe.医学知识,治疗和技术的进步,预防疾病,减轻痛苦,提高生活质量。

9.however, the mechanisms of accelerated calcification in CRD remain obscure, and no therapies can prevent disease progression.然而,慢性肾脏疾病(CRD)中促进钙化的机制仍然不明,没有治疗方法可以阻止疾病的进展。

10.Conventionally raised animals are pterally pumped with these substances to enhance growth, increase milk production and prevent disease.照惯例地饲养动物差不多都灌注这些物质,以提高增长,增加牛奶的生产和预防疾病。