




1.史壮克术蒙昧主义进行无何止的斗争中,我常常告诫学生多读读斯特伦克Strunk)和怀特(White)经典之作《文体指要》(The El…

3.史传克 佩弗‧( pfeffer, 史传克‧( strunk, 巴尼‧( barney,jay ...

4.斯特郎克 ... Strider 斯图莱德 Strunk 斯特郎克 Stuart 斯图亚特 ...

5.斯特兰克  同时,还要给你自己买一本斯特兰克Strunk)和怀特(White)所著的《问题指南》。阅读几次并时不时地翻一翻。


1.But Mrs. Strunk has no intention of interfering with the anarchy of nature.但斯特伦克夫人并无意干涉这种无政府的天性。

2.These classics by Strunk and White and Wilpam Zinsser capture writing as a craft, so they concern themselves with toolboxes and blueprints.由斯特伦克和白色和威廉津瑟这些经典捕获一工艺写作,所以他们关注自己的工具箱和蓝图。

3.For an excellent source on Engpsh composition, check out this classic book by Wilpam Strunk, Jr. on the Elements of Style.著的《风格的元素》一书是指导英语写作极为优秀和经典的一本书。

4.Mrs. Strunk's hour and the power of motherhood will last until midafternoon, when the big boys and girls return from school.斯特伦克夫人的时间和母性力量会一直持续到下午三点左右,等到大点的男孩和女孩们从学校回来。

5.How dearly Mrs. Strunk would enjoy being sad about Jim! But, aha, she doesn't know; none of them knows.斯特伦克夫人将会多醉心于吉姆噩耗的悲伤中啊!不过,幸好,她不知道;他们都不知道。

6.Mr. Strunk, George supposes, tries to nail him down with a word.乔治想象着,斯特伦克先生试着用一个词来形容他。

7.Read or re-read THE ELEMENTS OF STYLE by Strunk & White.阅读或重读斯特朗克与怀特的《文体要素》一书。

8.Oh yes indeed, Mr. Strunk and Mr. Garfein are proud of their kingdom.哦,是的,的确,斯特伦克先生和格芬先生对他们的王国感到自豪。