




1.鬼婴庙 ... 大男孩 94' *DCP Big Boy 未出世的婴儿 107' The unborn child 民谣不老 94' Folksong Forever ...

3.未出生者 ... 1、I MISS YOU / 我想你 / 2、The Unborn Child / 未出生的婴儿 4、Big Boy / 大男孩 ...

5.婴尸 深海之战, Sector 7 婴尸,2002 The Unborn Child 死人之夜, Dylan Dog:Dead of Night ...

6.胎儿 ... 6 Traffic Jam 交通阻塞 7 The Unborn Child 胎儿 8 Family Harmoney 家庭和睦 ...

7.中文词语或英文单词输入一个中文词语或英文单词(例如the unborn child)后点查询即可英语单词大全 > the unborn child the unborn child是什么意思 t…


1.A week before the baby was born, I had had a dream in which the unborn child was immersed in water and suffering from bodily incompleteness.在婴儿出世前一周,有一天我做了个梦,在梦里,我看到这个未出世的婴儿在水中遭受身体残缺不全之苦。

2.It is also feared that if a woman works at a VDU for long hours, the unborn child in her body might be killed.人们还担心,如果一个孕妇长时间在显示器前工作,其腹中的胎儿可能会死去。

3.The unborn child at this juncture is known as an embryo and is extremely small.此时未出生的孩子只是一个胚胎,形状很小。

4.I have looked at her, speculating thousands of times upon the unborn child from whom I had been rent.我曾经看着她,几千次悬想到那被夺去了的我的还未生下来的孩子。

5.Poor nutrition during pregnancy may make the unborn child more pkely to have tooth decay later in pfe.在怀孕过程中的营养缺乏也许会使未出生的孩子在今后的生活中更容易出现蛀牙。

6."This may trigger the release or suppression of hormones that regulate growth of the unborn child, " says Giussani.吉萨尼说:“这会触发调节未出生儿成长的荷尔蒙的释放或抑制。”

7.During this period, the unborn child, the fetus, goes through the process of the commencement of organ functioning.在这一时期,未出生的婴儿也会完善身体的各项机能。

8.Secondly, when the young newcomers become parents, their own poor health will have influenced the unborn child's predisposition for NCDs.其次,当这些年轻的外来者成为父母后,他们自身糟糕的健康状况将可能影响到其还未降生的小孩,使之更易患上非传染性疾病。

9.That from here the joy of pfe of the unborn child comes out.如此,那些待出生的婴儿就会欢跃着来到人间。

10.One day the mother allowed the boy to feel the movements of the unborn child.一天,妈妈让小男孩来感受一下宝宝在肚子里的活动。