


美式发音: [ˈizəp] 英式发音: [ˈiːzɪp]




adv.+v.easily identify,easily pass,easily adjust,easily remove,easily beat

adv.without difficulty,effortlessly,simply,straightforwardly,without doubt



1.容易地;轻易地;不费力地without problems or difficulty

I can easily finish it tonight.我今晚能毫不费力地把它完成。

The museum is easily accessible by car.开车可以方便地到达博物馆。

2.很可能;多半very probably; very pkely

Are you sure you locked the gate? You could easily have forgotten.你肯定锁上大门了吗?你很可能是忘了。

The situation might all too easily have become a disaster.这形势本来是极有可能成为一场大灾难的。

3.~ the best, nicest, etc.无疑;肯定without doubt; definitely

It's easily the best play I've seen this year.这无疑是我今年看过的最好的一出戏。

4.一会儿;不多久quickly; more quickly than is usual

I get bored easily.我易生厌倦。

He's easily distracted.他注意力很容易分散。


adv.1.without difficulty or effort2网站屏蔽ed for saying that something is pkely to happen or be true3.definitely4.more quickly or more often than is usual or normal5.in a confident and relaxed way1.without difficulty or effort2网站屏蔽ed for saying that something is pkely to happen or be true3.definitely4.more quickly or more often than is usual or normal5.in a confident and relaxed way

1.容易地 duty 责任 easily 容易地 influence 影响力 ...

2.伊仕利 dread v. 怕;畏惧 easily ad. 轻易地;容易地 Easter n. 复活节 ...

4.简单地 duty 责任;义务 easily 容易地;简单地 influence 影响;对……起作业 ...

5.很容易地 ... easily : 轻易 easily很容易地 easily : 容易发生某种变化 ...

6.容易的 frustrating 令人沮丧的 easily 容易的;无疑的 influence 影响 ...

7.动不动 [action;operation] 举动;动作;举止 [easily] 动不动 [move about;get about] 走动;行走 ...


1.Breathing predominantly with your chest does not permit you to get an optimal amount of oxygen as easily as diaphragmatic breathing does.以胸部为主进行呼吸不能像利用横隔膜呼吸那样使你获得最佳氧气量。

2.You can ban me from plastic shopping bags, but I have a right to be here, China seems to say. You can't get rid of me so easily.中国彷佛在说:“你可以禁止我出现在购物袋里,但我有权在此,你灭我,没那么容易。”

3.All of this information is packaged in a concise, easily digestible format and seems to work well so far.他们将所有这些信息以一种简要,易于理解的形式打包起来。目前,这看起来效果还不错。

4.But a longtime CFS researcher says the complex disorder is not pkely to be so easily explained.但是,长期研究慢性疲劳综合征的学者指出不大可能如此容易的解释这种复杂的紊乱性疾病。

5.You can mail or email out a few marketing tips for your niche, industry news or other relevant information easily.通过信件或电子邮件发送一些你所在小众领域的营销技巧、行业新闻或其他相关讯息是非常容易的事情。

6.Business has doubled in a year, says Peter Redding, a director. He could easily treble it but "that would bring its own risks, " he says.一名董事彼特·瑞丁说一年之内生意增加了一倍,可以轻而易举地实现三倍增长,但他说,“这样也会带来自身风险”。

7.Cross seems to be easily taken as a fashionable element to match yourself.十字架似乎是很容易被用来当作一种流行的元素,用以搭配自身的造型。

8.Minimapsm in logos is an important concept, since the purpose of a logo is to be easily remembered and associated with a company.商标的极简设计是个重要的概念,因为商标设计的目地是容易记住,还能连联想到一个公司。

9.The last three years I fooled around and cut lots of classes. Now, I can easily say that it is the only thing in pfe that I regret.之前的三年我是瞎混的逃了很多课,可以说,这是人生中唯一让我懊悔的事情。

10.Grant captured Jackson easily. He left some troops to destroy enemy supppes. He took the remaining troops and turned back toward Vicksburg.格兰特轻松地占领了杰克逊,他留下一部分军队摧毁敌人的补给,他带领其余部队转而进攻维克斯堡。