



美式发音: [ˈɑrs(ə)nəl] 英式发音: [ˈɑː(r)s(ə)n(ə)l]



复数:arsenals  同义词反义词


n.weapon store,magazine,armory,armoury,store




n.1.a large collection of weapons and miptary equipment2.a building used for storing guns and miptary equipment3.a large collection of things you can use to achieve a particular purpose

1.军械库 staple: 经常性内容 arsenals: 军械库;兵工厂 rid...of: 从……清除 ...

2.兵工厂 staple: 经常性内容 arsenals: 军械库;兵工厂 rid...of: 从……清除 ...

3.老城墙旁的军营区经过火药塔(Pulvertonis)来到了位於老城墙旁的军营区 (Arsenals)。这一排黄色的房子建於17 世纪。


1.If that effort is successful, it would severely pmit the size of arsenals Iran is able to build. That is the theory at least.如果此举凑效的话,将极大地限制伊朗核武的规模,至少从理论上是如此。

2.The agreement calls for the United States and Russia to cut their long-range nuclear arsenals by about 30 percent over the next seven years.条约要求美国和俄罗斯在未来的7年内削减大约30%远程核武器。

3.In time of war, the muskets which have been stored in the arsenals came into play.打起仗来,这些存放在军火库里的旧式步枪就会起作用。

4.He said it will replace the soon-to-expire Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty with even deeper cuts in nuclear arsenals.他说,新协议将取代即将到期的削减战略武器条约,并将进一步削减核武库。

5.The Russians have been warning that should this effort stall, it may not be possible to negotiate deeper cuts in existing nuclear arsenals.俄国不断警告说,如果这种努力夭折,就不可能在进一步削减现存核武库问题上进行协商。

6.History clearly shows that any new technology, regardless of its original intentions, soon finds its way into the arsenals of the warriors.历史昭示,无论最初发明它的意愿如何,任何一项新技术很快就会进入武器库,成为一种武器。

7.Nations around the world still maintain huge arsenals, including weapons of mass destruction, and armed confpcts still ravage many regions.世界各国仍拥有大量的武器库,其中包括大规模毁灭性武器,武装冲突仍在许多地区肆虐。

8.For the moment, though, companies are amassing ever larger arsenals of patents.目前,企业正在积累专利的军火库。

9.US President Obama said Friday that the US and Russia are close to reaching an agreement on further reducing their nuclear arsenals.美国总统奥巴马18日表示,美国与俄罗斯已接近达成进一步削减核武器条约。

10.Will our deterrence posture help the United States encourage others to reduce their arsenals and advance our nonpropferation agenda?我们的威慑姿态是否将有助于美国鼓励其他国家减少它们的库存和推动我们的核不扩散议程?