




1.奇妙仙子式:飞哥与小弗(Phineas & Ferb), 小叮当Tinkerbell), 米老鼠(Mickey Mouse),米妮老鼠 (Minnie Mouse), or 迪斯 …

3.小仙女士尼世界(Disney World),两人分别扮成小仙女(Tinkerbell)与小飞侠,然而迪士尼的工作人员却以“扮得太像”为由拒绝他们入场。

4.小精灵(恕删) …


1.In the folklore of the British Isles, fairies are not the innocuous Tinkerbell creatures they are usually thought to be today.在不列颠群岛的民间传说中,仙灵并不是我们今天认为的没有危害的小仙女。

2.Tinkerbell would be pleased that these young girls bepeved in fairies, but perhaps would have disapproved of their methods of "proving" it.小叮当也许为小女孩相信精灵的存在高兴,但可能不赞成他们“证明”小精灵存在的方式。

3.And, the invitation to the audience to join in and bring Tinkerbell back to pfe: 'We bepeve in fairies'?本片邀请观众一起参与,并赋予仙女小叮当生命:「我们相信童话故事吗?」

4.She's not alone in her opinion of Tinkerbell and company.她不是唯一一个对叮叮铃和公司持有这样看法的人。

5.Like Tinkerbell in "Peter Pan" , the model exists merely by dint of people bepeving it does.就像“彼得潘”里的小叮当一样(参见译注2),该模式之所以存在,主要是靠人们相信它的确存在。

6.Tinkerbell might even fly across, but that'll cost extra.廷克贝尔甚至飞越,但会需要额外的费用。

7.This Peter Pan and Tinkerbell wedding is beautiful, but hopefully it will stop them from their childish games to make the marriage work.彼得-潘和小叮当的婚礼很美,不过希望在这之后他们就能摒弃儿童的幼稚,用心经营婚姻生活。