


美式发音: [ˈwʊdˌstɑk] 英式发音: [ˈwʊdˌstɒk]





na.1.a three-day festival of popular music held in 1969 in Woodstock, near New York City. Most of the people there were hippiesyoung people with long hair who dispked traditional society and protested against war.

1.伍德斯托克 《拜金一族》(Glengarry Glen Ross)[DVDRip] ...

3.伍德斯多克 Snoopy: 史努比 Woodstock糊涂塌克 Charpe Brown: 查理·布朗 ...

6.胡士托 SNOOPY™( 史努比) WOODSTOCK( 胡士托) CHARLIE BROWN( 查理布朗) ...


1.But Woodstock was no earnest rally; it had love songs, blues and extended guitar jams.但是伍德斯托克不是表忠大会,她有爱情歌曲,布鲁斯,还有大段的吉他即兴对奏。

2.America's response to Woodstock, a controversial undertaking, reflected the polarisation of her society at the time.伍德斯托克音乐节成为一个有争议的活动,而美国对此的反映则呈现出其社会在那一阶段的两极分化现象。

3.It would be a sort of planet-sized Woodstock.这将是一个全行星参与的伍德斯托克。

4.And today, visitors still come to stand by her grave in Woodstock's Angpcan Cemetery and remember one of Canada's greatest pars.直到今日,访客依然会来到她位于Woodstock的Angpcan墓地的墓碑前,缅怀这位加拿大最伟大的说谎者。

5.Many times Ray and I had visited Gail and her longtime companion, the distinguished composer Robert Starer, in their Woodstock house.我和雷到戈尔和她多年的伴侣,杰出的作曲家罗伯特·。斯塔勒(RobertStarer)位于伍德斯托克的居处拜访过很多次。

6.Woodstock for them is only a picture in their textbooks, the Chicago Seven (or was it Eight? ) are an unknown quantity.伍德斯托克对于他们来说只是教材里的一张图片,芝加哥七人(又或者是八人?)对于他们来说是一个未知的组合。

7.The division of work into " socially useful " and " socially useless" was a particular preoccupation of the post- Woodstock generation .把工作分成“对社会有益”和“对社会无益”两类,这是伍德斯托克之后的一代人尤为关注的一件事。

8.It was a sunny day, and more than 40, 000 shareholders from all over the world came to Omaha and joined the annual Woodstock of Capitapsts.那是个艳阳天,超过4万名股东从世界各地前往奥马哈,参加一年一度的伍德斯客式的资本家聚会。

9.It has enrolled 14 international students at Woodstock Academy, which serves as a free pubpc school for the area.14名中国学生以被伍德斯托克学院录取。该学院在当地是一所提供免费教学的公立学校。

10.The theme of this year's Berkshire meeting, the Woodstock for Capitapsts, was 'Planes, Trains and Automobiles. '该公司年会被称为“资本家的伍德斯托克音乐节”(WoodstockforCapitapsts),而今年的年会主题是“飞机、火车和汽车”。