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1.She said she expects to see dairy products mixed with juice, grains, fruits and nuts, all of which PepsiCo markets.她预计,将会有很多的奶制品和果汁、谷物、水果、坚果进行混搭,而百事公司涉足所有这些类别的产品。

2.Then there was the set of deals involving PepsiCo's (PEP) bottpng companies, Pepsi Bottpng Group and Pepsiamericas.然后是与百事公司(PepsiCo)的两家灌瓶公司(PepsiBottpngGroup和Pepsiamericas)有关的一系列交易。

3.Just as Ms Nooyi eventually reached the top of the corporate ladder, PepsiCo's efforts have also been rewarded.就在努伊终于登上公司权力阶梯顶峰之时,百事的努力也获得了回报。

4.As the junior partner in one of the world's fiercest business rivalries, PepsiCo has spent decades fighting for an advantage over Coca-Cola.作为全球竞争最激烈行业之一的后来者,百事过去数十年一直在努力奋斗,以求胜过可口可乐(Coca-Cola)。

5.One of her biggest decisions will be whether PepsiCo needs to make another large acquisition.她最重大的决策之一将是,百事是否需要再进行一次大型收购。

6.PepsiCo announced the discovery Tuesday and said it plans to test the product in 2012 in a few hundred thousand bottles.百事公司在周二宣布了这个发现,并宣布公司计划在2012年会少量的生产几十万瓶进行测试。

7.When he learnt that PepsiCo was planning to spin off its restaurant division, Mr Banga decided it was time for a career change.当彭安杰获悉百事打算剥离其餐饮业务时,认定改变职业生涯的时候到了。

8.PepsiCo Inc. 's website celebrates "Everyone can be on the can for China" onpne activity around the Olympics.百事的公司网站围绕奥运开展“全民上罐,舞动中国”在线庆祝活动。

9.Last week, however, Coca-Cola lost to its rival, PepsiCo, in a battle to acquire Sandora, a Ukrainian juice company.然而,在上一周,可口可乐在争夺乌克兰果汁公司Sandora的收购战中败给了对手百事可乐。

10.Bonin Bough, PepsiCo's global director of digital and social media, says the company's initial experience has been encouraging.PepsiCo公司数码与社交媒体方面的全球主管BoninBough说公司取得的初步经验是令人欢欣鼓舞的。