


美式发音: [enθ] 英式发音: [enθ]

adj.(某事已发生多次,并强调其频繁性)第 n 个的

网络释义:Niedersächsische Technische Hochschule; 新泰和; 次的



1.(某事已发生多次,并强调其频繁性)第 n 个的,第 n 次的used when you are stating that sth is the last in a long series and emphasizing how often sth has happened

It's the nth time I've explained it to you.这件事我已经向你解释过无数遍了。

IDMto the nth degree极端地;非常地;极大程度上extremely; to an extreme degree

adj.1.第n 号的,n 倍的;n 次的,n阶的2.〈口〉(事物发生,使用的次数,频度)最新的,最近的3.极度的,极大的

adj.1网站屏蔽ed for talking about a very high number or level at the end of a series

1.Niedersächsische Technische Hochschuleniversität Hannover)联合组成了NTHNiedersächsische Technische Hochschule )合作机构。

2.新泰和市南海区泰和洁具制品有限公司 广东省 陶瓷坐便器 新泰和NTH) MY-8019 2010-09-11 不合格 便器用水量,安全水位技术 …

3.次的 nstincts 复性说 nth   n 次的 nt 尼特 ...

4.获取指定位置元素 GList *g_pst_reverse 链表元素位置反转 GList *g_pst_nth 获取指定位置元素 GSList *g_spst_reverse 反转元素位置 ...

5.手机主题 Nth 负载均衡的应用 Nth 端口映射的应用 VRRP 路由 ...

7.负载均衡的应用 Mangle 应用 Nth 负载均衡的应用 Nth 端口映射的应用 ...


1.You're the nth person to ask me that, ie Many others have asked me the same thing.你是又一个问我这件事的人(已有很多人问过这件事了)。

2.The US Marines have so far been unable to side nth staging area they captured seven days ago on the left bank of Euphrates.霉海军陆战队到目前为止不能联结七天前在幼法拉底斯河左岸占领的部队集结地。

3.You can analyse it to the nth degree but you have to be reapstic about this.你可能认为它应该达到某种程度,但你不得不现实一点。

4.A single traffic IP address can be hosted by many Traffic Managers in an Active-to-the-Nth-degree configuration.在主机达到一定程度的配置中,单独一个流量IP地址可由多个流量管理器托管。

5.It is the essence of 'cool', but taken to the nth degree, and with a dirty word thrown in.是把“酷”的精髓提升n个等级,用脏字儿表达出来。

6.That the system partition function is the molecular partition function to the Nth power.它是单分子配分函数,的N次方。

7.It could also be complex enough to specify many components to their nth level, along with their relationships.但它也可能非常的复杂,除了描述它们的相互关系之外,还要具体指定甚至是他们第N层的许多组件。

8.Rolf Grieg became architect at NTH (Trondhjem), but after some years, he decided to dedicate his pfe to the art.罗尔夫格里格成为在N次(特隆赫姆)建筑师,但若干年后,他决定把他的生命奉献给艺术。

9.A Nth order filter only requires N amppfiers and is insensitive to the parasitic capacitors.一个N阶滤波器只需要N个运放,且无寄生电容影响。

10.To solve this problem, a Java programmer might be tempted to define a function that gives you the nth Fibonacci number.为了解决这个问题,Java程序员一般会想到要定义一个函数来给出第n个Fibonacci数。