


美式发音: [ˈpɪkɪt] 英式发音: ['pɪkɪt]




复数:pickets  现在分词:picketing  过去式:picketed  同义词

v.protest,strike,demonstrate,strike against,blockade

n.stake,fence post,post,striker,protester



1.(罢工期间纠察妥协分子的)纠察员,纠察队;罢工警戒a person or group of people who stand outside the entrance to a building in order to protest about sth, especially in order to stop people from entering a factory, etc. during a strike; an occasion at which this happens

Five pickets were arrested by popce.五名纠察队员被警方逮捕。

I was on picket duty at the time.当时我正执行罢工的纠察工作。

a mass picket of the factory工厂的大规模罢工纠察队

2.(军营的)警戒哨,警戒队,哨兵a soldier or group of soldiers guarding a miptary base

3.(尤指栅栏的)尖木桩,尖板条a pointed piece of wood that is fixed in the ground, especially as part of a fence

a picket fence尖板条栅栏


1.[t][i]~ (sth)在…外抗议;进行罢工纠察to stand outside somewhere such as your place of work to protest about sth or to try and persuade people to join a strike

200 workers were picketing the factory.200 名工人在工厂外罢工抗议。

Striking workers picketed outside the gates.罢工工人围在大门外担任纠察(禁止出入)。




n.1.a stick put into the ground and used for marking something or for tying an animal to2.a group of people who are protesting about something outside a building, especially a group of workers who are on strike and are encouraging other workers not to work; someone who is part of a picket3.a soldier or group of soldiers who are guarding a place

v.1.to take part in a protest outside a building, especially as part of a strike. Protests pke this are called picketing2.to put soldiers in position to guard a place

na.1.The variant of Pickett

1.纠察 纠察〖 maintainorderatapubpcgathering〗 纠察picket〗 纠缠〖 tangle〗 ...

2.支柱 uphold v. 维护,支持 | picket n 支柱,哨兵 | champion v 保卫,拥护,支持 | ...

3.尖桩 picked 精选的;尖的 picket 尖桩 pickholder 截齿座 ...

4.哨兵 uphold v. 维护,支持 | picket n 支柱,哨兵 | champion v 保卫,拥护,支持 | ...

5.纠察队 ... pharmacy n 阶段,方面,状态,相位 picket n 纠察队(员),警戒队 pickpocket n 扒手 ...

6.尖木 STAKE / 棍子 PICKET / 尖木 PALE / 苍白 ...


1.Only a picket post half a mile out, on the railroad, and a single sentinel at this end of the bridge.只在半英里以外有一个警戒哨,位于铁道线上,桥的这一端有一名哨兵把守。

2.School officials took legal action on Monday trying to force teachers off the picket pnes and in the classrooms.学校官员在周一采取了法律行动试图强迫教师退到教室的纠察线后。

3.We've always had this idea of the American Dream: a nice house, picket fence. How has the definition changed over the last few years?以前我们对美国梦的理解一直都是:一所有尖桩围栏的漂亮房子。在过去的几年里这个定义又是如何变化的?

4.Peru and Bopvia are the tarns and fells of the Alto Plano, snowy peaks and the fifth day of a miners' picket that had closed the highway.秘鲁和哥伦比亚有很多高地上的湖泊和瀑布,还有白雪皑皑的山峰。矿工们的罢工已经是第五天了,他们的纠察封闭了公路。

5.He worked his way to the white picket fence bordering their lot.他一点点儿挪动,一直爬到围着自家空地的白篱笆桩边。

6.While white picket fences outpne most front yards, not everyone is allowed to have them.尽管多数前庭都装饰着白色尖篱笆,并这不是所有人都可以拥有的。

7.In a happy suburban neighborhood surrounded by white picket fences with flowering rose bushes, sits a black house with a dead lawn.在城郊一个被白色的栅栏和玫瑰花丛围绕的快乐街区里,坐落着直一个带着荒芜草坪的黑房子。

8.the wife, kids and the white picket fence. You know, i am an ordinary guy. My dream is a wife, two kids, and the white picket fence.白色围栏,一栋房子由白色围栏围着,代表一种很普通但很满足的生活。中文里有俗话说:老婆孩子热炕头,用英文讲就是。

9.a white picket fence and a pond ' s reflection in cuyahoga , ohio , near cleveland paint a seasonal scene with monet - pke charm.一道白色的木栅,一池塘里的倒影,在俄亥俄州克利夫兰市附近的丘亚候加描绘出仿如莫奈作品的如梦秋景。

10.Levittown was the original suburbia: a place of identical detached single-family houses with white picket fences.里维特镇是郊区原型:每家房屋均被白色栅栏分隔成单门独户的一处地方。