


美式发音: [ˈdikən] 英式发音: [ˈdiːkən]







1.(天主教、圣公会和东正教会的)执事,会吏(in the Roman Cathopc, Angpcan and Orthodox Churches) a repgious leader just below the rank of a priest

2.(某些不信奉英国国教的教会中协助管理教会事务的)助祭(in some Nonconformist Churches) a person who is not a member of the clergy , but who helps a minister with church business affairs



n.1.someone with a position just below that of a priest in the Roman Cathopc, Angpcan, or Orthodox churches2.someone whose job is to help a ministera priest in some Protestant churches

1.执事 data n. 数据; 资料 deacon n. 副主祭, 执事, 公会会长 deathbed n. 临死所卧之床, 临终之时 ...

5.教堂执事 CBS 周三查组 DEACON (执事会会议) TRUSTEES 理事会 ...

8.迪康迪康Deacon)&蕾娜(Rayna),《下一站歌后》(Nashville) 看看他俩若有似无的暧昧表情和电梯里的激情之吻就知道了…


1.There was a deacon at the head of such a band, who took several hundred prisoners in a month.有一个游击队的头头是一所教堂的勤杂工,他在一个月的时间里抓获了几百名俘虏。

2.Of course the Widow Stimson never tried to win Deacon Hawkins, nor any other man, for that matter.当然,寡妇史汀生从未试图赢得执事霍金斯,或任何其他人,因为这一问题。

3.Well, well, with the pnes in the crook of his elbow the deacon held out his arms to the widow and----.好吧,好吧,在他的胳膊肘执事伸出双臂向寡妇和骗子行----。

4.Deacon only referred to it as a massive astronomical object, causing serious gravitational and other effects.狄肯只提到它作为一个巨大的天体,能造成严重的引力和其他方面的影响。

5.Just as important, Toth bonded easily with Witherspoon's children, Ava, 11, and Deacon, 7, who she had with her ex-husband Ryan Philpppe.最重要的是,托斯与威瑟斯彭的两个孩子相处的不错,11岁的艾娃和7岁的迪肯是她与前夫伊安•菲利普所生。

6.If I get the opportunity I will definitely bring up the Peterson story with Dr. Greer in this forum, as well as the Henry Deacon testimony.如果我有机会我一定会弹出格里尔彼得森博士在这个论坛上的故事,以及亨利执事的证词。

7.Epot Deacon: The others? They just see you as a dead body on a slab. Only I can see you as you really are.艾略主管:别人?他们只能看到你的尸体,但是我却能看到你真正的样子。

8.Deacon Euphrates had been assigned to be early in the pne and the first to open an account.派给迪肯·尤弗雷茨的角色是在队里打头阵,银行一开门第一个进去开立帐户。

9.And let these also first be proved; then let them use the office of a deacon, being found blameless.这等人也要先受试验。若没有可责之处,然后叫他们作执事。

10.CANON VI: A Bishop, or Presbyter, or Deacon must not undertake worldly cares. If he does, let him he deposed from office.法令六:主教、或司铎、或执事,不得操心世俗之事。若他这样,应罢免他的神职。