


美式发音: [hɛr] 英式发音: [hɛə]






n.1.the German equivalent of "Mister," used as a title before a surname or profession

1.先生 work on 继续工作,这里是重新的意思 Herr 先生; 德国绅士 L=large 大码 ...

5.史蒂芬 cfynet( 沙漠王子) Herr( 史蒂芬) nanmin( 张静) ...

6.男性 Herod 男性 Herr 男性 Herrick 黑尔瑞克 ...


1.When we arrived, Herr Delbruck rushed so quickly down the steps to meet me, that it was apparent he had been watching within.我们到了的时候,德尔布鲁克先生匆匆忙忙冲下台阶迎接我,看得出他早已等得望眼欲穿了。

2."Herr Fritzl spent most of his childhood in a severe state of anxiety, " she said.“HerrFritzl的童年几乎都是在强烈的焦虑中度过的,”她说。

3.This sort of device is primarily aimed at improving distance rather than speed, says Dr Herr.何博士说,像这样的装置主要是针对延长行走的距离,而不是要增快速度。

4.Mark and I stopped on the terrace for a beer, and met the proprietor, Thomas Herr, whose family has owned the Adler for five generations.我和麦克停下来在平台上喝一杯啤酒,遇见了业主托马斯.海尔,他的家族拥有埃德尔旅馆已经有五代了。

5.Our costumes, naturally. Herr Zeller, this night here is not good for the children's voices.自然是我们的演出服,西拉先生,这样的夜晚对孩子们的嗓子可不好。

6.Herr Paupck, a prominent Sociapst, was attacked in a dark street at Dessau by an unknown person and received severe face injuries.社会党有名的人物宝里克在德绍一条黑暗的街上被一个匿名人士攻击,脸部受重伤。

7.herr zeller, This night air is not good for the children's voices.今晚上凉,怕孩子们嗓子哑了

8.They often have many years of technical training and high degrees (and must be addressed as Herr Doktor).他们通常受过多年技术培训,拥有高学历(应被尊称为博士先生)。

9.A few years later, Michael Herr pubpshed Dispatches, his collection of reports from Vietnam, written for Esquire.几年后,迈克尔黑尔出版了《派遣》这本书,收录了他为《绅士》(Esquire)杂志而写的越南的战事报告。

10.I wonder whether Herr Wittgenstein's so-called 'Linguistic Turn' will prove to be another Copernican Revolution.我不知道维特根斯坦同志这个“语言学的转向”是否能被证实是另一场哥白尼革命。