




1.贝莱尔而没能住到贝弗利山(Beverly Hills)、贝尔埃尔(Bel Air)、霍姆比山(Holmby Hills)或西好莱坞(West Hollywood )的人才会觉得 …

6.贝艾尔“我们都服用了LSD,坐在贝艾尔(Bel Air)一所房子的大浴缸里,弹吉它。”罗杰·麦奎恩回忆道,“大卫·克罗斯比(David Crosby)开 …

7.贝莱尔区位于贝莱尔区Bel Air),紧邻比华利山,在罗迪欧大道(Rodeo Drive)和圣塔莫尼卡(Santa Monica)海滩之间,繁华地带的 …


1.It arrived at her home in the Bel Air section of Los Angeles shortly after she had returned from his memorial service.这封信在她从他的悼念会回来之后就寄到了她在洛杉矶贝尔航空部的家中。

2.Smith married actress Jada Pinkett in 1997 after meeting at her audition for a small role on the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.而贾达·萍克特参加了一个小角色的试镜,就此与史密斯相遇,97年两人结婚。

3.Just this week, a Tudor mansion in Bel-Air belonging to film star Nicolas Cage was in foreclosure auction and reverted to the lender.本周,影星尼古拉斯。凯奇(NicolasCage)位于洛杉矶富豪区的一幢都铎式豪宅遭止赎拍卖并归还给贷款人。

4.Nancy Reagan on the lawn of the former First Couple's house in Bel Air, with Century City in the distance.南希里根在贝尔爱尔家中的草坪上,远处是世纪城。

5.Janet gave him an address in Bel Air where Kim may have gone.珍妮特给了他一个地址,在贝莱尔,也许金姆会在那里。

6.In the Bel Air neighborhood, Argentinean U. N. forces oversaw an orderly distribution of hundreds of 20-pter jugs of drinking water.在贝莱尔地区,在阿根廷联合国力量的监管下,救援人员有序地向数百人发放20升的桶装饮用水。

7.I grew up in Bel Air!我在比尔航空长大!

8.Jackson met with AEG Live CEO Randy Philpps at the Bel-Air Hotel in Los Angeles on Halloween in 2008, Philpps testified.据AEG的首席执行官兰迪。菲利浦所证实,2008年万圣节前夕杰克逊在洛杉矶的Bel-Air酒店与他见面会谈。

9.Reagan, 93, died Saturday afternoon at his Bel Air home after a decade-long battle with Alzheimer's disease.在与阿茨海默氏病(早老性痴呆)进行了十余年的斗争后,里根于周六下午,在他位于BelAir家中逝世,时年93岁。

10.In the 90's he became quite popular via the television series "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. "到了90年代,他通过一部电视连续剧《贝莱尔的新鲜王子》提高了知名度,颇受欢迎。