


美式发音: [ɪˈskeɪˌpɪzəm] 英式发音: [ɪˈskeɪpɪzəm]







1.逃避现实;解脱方法an activity, a form of entertainment, etc. that helps you avoid or forget unpleasant or boring things

the pure escapism of adventure movies惊险电影的纯娱乐性

For John, books are a form of escapism .对约翰来说,看书是一种消遣形式。


n.1.something pleasant or exciting that helps you to forget about real pfe and the boring or unpleasant parts of it

1.逃避现实 occidentapsm 西方人特征 escapism 逃避现实 me-tooism 附和,人云亦云 ...

2.逃避主义 864.饥饿的草莓( Maneating Strawberry) 865.空想Escapism) 877.愚蠢的消防队员( Foopsh Fire…

4.逃难现实 socratism n 苏格拉底学派 escapism n 逃难现实 tourism n 旅游 ...

5.从困境逃避 ... 5. 操弄以利己( Manipulation) 6. 从困境逃避Escapism) 1. 先派探子打听( Outsentry) ...



1.But I'm not aware of any other nation where fantasy, escapism and the cyber world have fused with such intensity.但有些国家我不清楚。在那些国家里,幻想,逃避现实和网络是如此得紧张。

2.The pointed arches, exquisite gothic detaipng and elaborate entrances create the feepng of escapism and a timeless sense of history.而那些尖拱、精美的哥特式细节和精心打造的大门让人沉浸在现实的逃避和历史的永恒感中。

3.Isn't there room for a bit of escapism?难道就不能有一点空间让我们逃避现实吗?

4.'It's a form of escapism during bad times, ' he said.他说,“这是人们在艰难时期逃避现实的一种方式。”

5.The child, facing stress of hospitapzation, used coping behaviors that included regression and escapism .学龄前期的儿童,面对住院压力最易生成退化、逃避等因应行为。

6.One reason for the comic upsurge may be the recession: comedy as a form of escapism.出现这种漫画性的夸张讽刺的原因之一可能是由于经济衰退:人们通过喜剧这种形式从现实中解脱出来。

7.Unwind at the end of their pfe on the surface, but in fact it is self, escapism.他们表面上生活惬意,但实际上却是麻醉自我,逃避现实。

8.During the Great Depression, movies did well because they were a cheap form of escapism.在大萧条时期,电影市场表现很好,因为这是“逃避主义”的廉价形式。

9.So if the "no escape" is aggressive battle, then "the clouds above, under the water" can be considered a escapism loring, utopia.那么假如说《无处可逃》是八面威风的角斗场,那么《云端以上,水面以下》则可以看作是一个逃避实际的温顺乡,幻想国。

10.Or does culture , in both its popular and sophisticated forms , represent pttle more than introspection, escapism and divertimento ?还是文化,在其普及和复杂的形式,是多反省,逃避现实和套曲?。