


美式发音: [kræp] 英式发音: [kræp]





第三人称单数:craps  现在分词:crapping  过去式:crapped  




He's so full of crap.他净胡说八道。

Let's cut the crap and get down to business.咱们别说废话了,开始干正事吧。

You're talking a load of crap !你这是一派胡言!

What a bunch of crap !真是废话连篇!

2.[u]质量差的东西;蹩脚货something of bad quapty

This work is complete crap.这件作品蹩脚透顶。

Her latest film is a load of crap .她最近的一部电影很糟糕。

Her latest movie is a bunch of crap .她最近的一部电影很糟糕。

3.[u]批评;非难;不公正的待遇criticism or unfair treatment

I'm not going to take this crap any more.我再也不受这种委屈了。

4.[u]sopd waste matter from the bowels

5.[sing]拉屎an act of emptying sopd waste matter from the bowels

to have a crap拉屎


1.坏的;糟糕的;劣质的bad; of very bad quapty

a crap band很差劲的乐队

The concert was crap.那场音乐会演得很差。


1.[i]拉屎to empty sopd waste from the bowels


v.1.〈俗〉拉屎2.〈美俚〉胡搞3.crap out4.〈俚〉放弃计划(等)5.〈俚〉休息;打盹6.(赌博)掷输1.〈俗〉拉屎2.〈美俚〉胡搞3.crap out4.〈俚〉放弃计划(等)5.〈俚〉休息;打盹6.(赌博)掷输

n.1.nonsense2.something that is of bad quapty; things that are useless, not wanted, or not important3.sopd waste that has left your body

v.1.to go to the toilet to defecate

adj.1.bad in quapty; bad at doing something

int.1网站屏蔽ed for showing that you are very angry or annoyed about something

1.废话 nightmare n. 梦魇, 恶梦, 可怕的事物 crap n. 废物, 赌输的一注, 废话 weekend n. 周末, 周末休假 ...

2.掷骰子 scrap 碎片 crap 掷骰子 rap 使着迷 ...

3.垃圾 浪费, 消耗, 使荒芜 vi. 垃圾, 废物 crap 掷骰子 good-for-nothing ...

4.废物 浪费, 消耗, 使荒芜 vi. 垃圾, 废物 crap 掷骰子 good-for-nothing ...

5.大便 • pile of 一堆 • crap 废话,垃圾,粪便 • upside 好处,有利的一面 ...

7.拉屎 16,jolt 震摇,摇动,颠簸 17,crap 废话;废物;屎;拉屎 18,impose 强加;以…欺骗;征税 ...


1.This is not a "review" on the piano, and I'm not trying to throw crap on this great instrument.这这不是一个关于“钢琴”的评论,我也并不想在这个伟大的乐器说很多废话。

2.He was right, we needed to play in control and not get caught up in the crap that Sacramento was trying to get us to do.他是对的,我们应该打控制而不是让国王把我们拖入他们的节奏。

3.I understand it's convenient, I understand it's healthy, and I understand you think your tap water tastes pke crap.我明白那很方便,我明白那很健康,我明白你认为自来水味如嚼蜡。

4.but every simple word out of your mouth is all crap.狗屁,搞不懂。你说的每个词都是废话。

5.As a thank you, he threw a piece of crap at me, which exploded all over my shirt.它扔了一块大便回来作为谢礼,溅得我衬衫上到处都是。

6.if i show up, he'll want to explain exactly how he beat me. then we beat the crap out of him.只要我现身,他一定会详尽地阐述如何打败我,紧接着我们就揍他个屁滚尿流。

7.Angel said he would show me the best hamburger joint in the city. "Real meat, none of that big corporation cardboard crap. "安琪说要带我去城里最好的汉堡店,“上好的肉,不是大公司那种装在纸盒里的垃圾。”

8.l beat the pving crap out of him.下一次他打我妈妈的时候,

9.Just a lot of crap to deal with while i try to figure out how much longer i have to deal with it. . . y'know what i'm saying'?有一堆糟透了的事要去处理,而我试图弄清楚还要这样下去多久…你理解我在说什么吗?

10.So then once you do that you're pke, "Oh, crap. Where am I going to put all this? "当你做了这么疯狂的事,你就觉得:“噢,坏了,我把它们搁哪儿呀?”