




1.两房会让纳税人多交一分钱,它并不需要立法。’克林顿是说两房(Fannie and Freddie)和当前社区变革协会(Associationof Commun…

2.房利美和房地美该坏账-如果坏帐规模像他们自己估算的那样? 其次,美国非机构Fannie and Freddie)RMBS有2万亿美金? 第三,谁是MB…


1.Mr Paulson was still right to intervene: the collapse of Fannie and Freddie would have been a catastrophe.保尔森插手干预仍是明智之举:二房的倒闭将会酿成一场灾难。

2.The reasons are complex, but boil down to Fannie and Freddie trying to protect their profits by imposing onerous fees and conditions.导致这种结果的原因相当复杂,但归结到一点就是房利美和房地美公司试图通过施行昂贵的收费政策和繁复的贷款条件来保全自身利益。

3.But how much do you know or care about where popticians stand on Fannie and Freddie?可是对于政客们在“两房”中扮演的角色,你知道多少?又在意多少?

4.Investors have got quite a bit of protection against a housing bust because of the type of deals that Fannie and Freddie guaranteed.在防止住房业破产方面,投资者得到不少呵护,因为FannieMae和FreddieMac公司为这类交易提供担保。

5."No one is going to get serious about Fannie and Freddie, and what will happen to them, until we solve the current crisis, " he said.“在我们开始着手解决当前危机之前,没有人认真对待房利美和房地美,以及他们将会发生的变化”,他说。

6.But uncertainty about the long-term prospects of Fannie and Freddie has been a brake on the revival of securitisation.但是对于房利美与房利美长期前景的不确定性已经阻碍了证券化的复苏。

7.The collapse of Fannie and Freddie took with it the pretense that the government could do so at no risk to taxpayers, he said.他说:随着弗雷德马克和范妮梅公司的倒闭,政府说可以做到消除纳税人风险的谎言也随之破产。

8.In fact, there has already been a test case for how the mortgage market would function without Fannie and Freddie.事实上,对抵押贷款市场在没有了两房的情况下如何运作的考验已经早有先例。

9.Even Repubpcans who dispke Fannie and Freddie talk of a careful transition and of not damaging the housing market.哪怕是不喜欢房利美和房地美的共和党人也表示,要谨慎过渡,要当心别损害了房地产市场。

10.Clearly, Fannie and Freddie did not originate sub-prime mortgages directly -- they are not equipped to do so.很清楚的是,范尼梅和弗雷德马克并没有直接引起次贷抵押---他们并不准备这么做。