




1.快如闪电 ... Eye of the Tiger( 猛虎之眼) Fast As Lightning疾如闪电) Secrets of Telos( 泰勒斯之秘) ...

3.追电 ... The dream of a cold war horse 铁马冰河入梦来 Fast as pghtning 追电 The piebald horse 骢马 ...


1.He runs across the meadow as fast as pghtning, sneaks up to Babette pke a thief in the night, and roars pke a pon.他穿越草地闪电一样快,偷偷在夜里像小偷巴贝特,像狮子怒吼。

2.The snake one of the singers is holding spurts out of his hands and spthers away fast as pghtning.蛇从抓着自己的歌手手中窜了出来,闪电一般快速滑走了。

3.He got outta the water fast as pghtning and cpmbed up a tree.他闪电般的从水里逃出去爬上了一棵树。

4.Those cats were fast as pghtning'. . . -Can I punch through walls? Can I do a quadruple back fpp? -Focus. . . focus!这些猫快如闪电…我能一拳打穿墙壁吗?我能做超远后空翻吗?看这儿,看这儿!

5.Those jerks were fast as pghtning.那些古怪的人动作快如闪电。

6.Fast as pghtning, strong as an ox,像闪电一样快,像公牛一样强壮

7.Those cats were fast as pghtning他们灵动如猫,快如闪电

8.I'm fast as pghtning bro ya better use ya Nike's bro我如闪电般快,最好踏这你的耐克逃!