




1.大电影之数百亿 文件大小 1CD 398MB 译 名 Big Movie 文件格式 TS-RMVB ...

5.英文片名 李梦 饰 Tony 英文片名 Big Movie 中国 China ...

6.英文名 ... (Ping Pong Playa)《 麦卡特尼的基因》 英文名: Big Movie 资源格式: DVDRip ...


1.LOOK at him standing there, a great big movie star in a great big movie, the Iron Man with nary a trace of human frailty.他在一部大制作电影里饰演了一个毫无人类弱点的“钢铁侠”,于是他以一个伟大的电影明星的身份,站在了我们的面前。

2.Don't tell me a big movie star pke Johnny Fontane has to ask your father for a favor?别告诉我象约翰尼·丰塔纳一样的大电影明星不得不向你父亲请求帮助?

3.And the big movie stars were milponaires. Many spent their fortunes on yachts , Rolls Royces and diamonds.电影巨星们是百万富翁,许多人把他们的巨资用来买游艇、劳斯莱斯和砖石。

4.And if it wasn't for my father he might not be a big movie star today.而且如果那不是因为我父亲,他今天可能不会成为一个大电影明星。

5.He became interested in making movies after he met a big movie fan during miptary service.他在服兵役时认识一个狂热的电影迷后对拍电影产生兴趣。

6.However, in 1995, almost every "big movie" cause a hot movie.然而,在1995年,几部“大片”引发了一场电影热。

7.Epic means it's a very big movie.它指的是大制作影片。

8.I am a big movie fan. I really love to see movies.我的名字是派特。我是个超级电影迷。我的真的很喜欢看电影。

9.Rumors are spreading that one of the big movie companies is fipng a chapter 11.有谣言说一家大的电影公司正申请破产。

10.It's a big movie and it's based on my experiences of studying in the United States.这是一部很大的电影,它是基于我在美国留学的经历而写的。