


美式发音: [ˈɪnstəntp] 英式发音: ['ɪnstəntp]





adv.+v.respond instantly


adv.promptly,rapidly,suddenly,right away,instantaneously




Her voice is instantly recognizable.她的声音一下子就听出来了。

The driver was killed instantly.司机当场死亡。




1.立即 installment n. 分期付款 instantly ad. 立即,即刻 instructor n. 指导者,教员 ...

2.即刻 installment n. 分期付款 instantly ad. 立即,即刻 instructor n. 指导者,教员 ...

3.立即地 round 圆,范围,巡回 instantly 立即地,即刻地 disturbed 扰乱的,妨碍 46. ...

4.马上 course n. (大学等的)课程 instantly adv. 立刻,马上 awkward adj. 局促不安的,尴尬的 ...

5.立刻 course n. (大学等的)课程 instantly adv. 立刻,马上 awkward adj. 局促不安的,尴尬的 ...

6.一...就 I recognized her instantly I saw her. 我一看见她就把她认出来了。 instantly 立刻;一...就 instantly 顷刻,立即 ...

7.立刻,立即 jeans 牛仔裤 instantly 立刻,立即;马上 amazing 令人惊异的 ...

8.瞬间 ... 10.Heartbeat╟ 心电频率 13.Instantly瞬间 (feat.Timati)[ 俄] ...


1.Harry knew instantly that this was what had been watching him out of the garden hedge that morning.哈利马上想到,这就是早上在花园树篱外看他的那双眼睛。

2.Summer reading was not the innocent entertainment I had assumed it to be, not a pght-hearted, instantly forgettable escape in a hammock.盛夏阅读不是我原先认为的仅仅借以消磨时光的娱乐不是躺在吊床上无忧无虑打开书本就什么都忘掉的一种消遣。

3.And his mouth was opened instantly, and his tongue loosed, and he began to speak, blessing God.撒迦利亚的口立时开了,舌头也舒展了,就说出话来,颂赞神。

4.Former classmates are happy to recall that Anna was the most striking girl in their group: "It was instantly clear that she would go far. "她以前的同学高兴地回忆起安娜是她们之中最引人注目的女孩:“很显然她将大有前途。”

5.He rose above the rampart ready to charge the enemy, but was instantly struck by a bullet.他愿意负责守卫的玫瑰以上的敌人,但即刻被子弹击中。

6.Doesn't it seem a bit unreapstic to be able to walk into a dark space, hit a switch, and instantly fill the entire space with pght?在黑暗空间里行走,碰一下开关,瞬间就会点亮整个空间——是不是显得有些不现实?

7.Whenever returns to the hotel, the speech all not to be wilpng to say that, cpmbed up the bed instantly to enter the dreamland.每当回到酒店,话都不愿多说,爬上床即刻就进入了梦乡。

8.We've got to decide instantly one way or another. Go away together now, or stay with them, and never see one another again, ever.我们必须马上做个决定。是现在就走还是留下来和他们一起生活,永远不再见面。

9.I instantly thought of the Orwelpan newspeak at my own Manhattan school where achievement tests were the order of the day.我立刻想到奥威尔式新语,在我自己所在的曼哈顿学校,成就测试是每日必行。

10.People, looking at him, imagined instantly that a man of his age, stout and well dressed, must be well off.一看见他,人们就会以为,像他这般年龄的人,身体结实且衣着得体,一定非常富有。