




1.同情心 Balanced and Fair);(9)具有同情心(Be Compassionate);(10)保卫《第一修正案》(Guard the First Amendment);(1…

2.具有同情心 ... 具有药性 : has medicinal properties 具有同情心Be Compassionate 具有迁入 : ChecNn ...

3.怜悯的心 ... 富于同情,免除竞争( Be Noncompatitive, Be Compassionate) 对自己负责( Take Responsibipty For Yourself…

5.我从一场火警中得到的反思 这到底是一个怎麽样的世界? Caleb Godwin To 我从一场火警中得到的反思 Be Compassionate ...

6.要有同理心 ... Let’s get along well. 让我们和好相处。 Be compassionate. 要有同理心。 ...


1.Are not these times so challenging that it is clear that humans are being tested to see if they have learnt to be compassionate.这些时候并不是如此具有挑战性,显然人类正在经受考验看看他们是否已经学会富有同情心。

2.You have as much need to be compassionate as the poor person has need of your compassion.你需要有悲悯的心就如同穷人需要得到悲悯。

3.Agreeableness - a tendency to be compassionate and cooperative rather than suspicious and antagonistic towards others.倾向给予认同和协同合作,而非对立或可疑的对待他人。

4.If you are interested in this career, you should be compassionate, and have a strong desire to help others.如果你对此职业感兴趣,您应该有同情心并拥有帮助他人的强烈愿望。

5.Finally, all of you, pve in harmony with one another; be sympathetic, love as brothers, be compassionate and humble.总而言之,你们都要同心,彼此体恤,相爱如弟兄,存慈怜谦卑的心。

6.I think the company doesn't know the best dose for kids yet -- and it would not be compassionate to give them the wrong dose.我认为:公司现在不知道儿童计量,不能一步正确的计量发药。

7.You must be compassionate and strong for others who will rely on you to solve their problems.你必须富有同情心和坚强,因为他们将依靠你来解决他们的问题。

8.For all the excuses you and I can make Jesus shows us time and time again in the Gospels that we are to be compassionate people.尽管你我都可以找出许多借口,但在福音书中耶稣一次又一次地展示给我们看,我们要做心存怜悯的人。

9.I think the purpose of pfe is to be useful, to be responsible, to be honorable, to be compassionate.我认为人生的目的是为了有用,要负责任,要光荣,是值得同情。

10.help me , master , to be compassionate to other beings and to all suffering souls.师父,也请您帮助我,让我能慈悲地对待其他众生以及所有受苦的灵魂。