


美式发音: ['wɪntʃɪstər] 英式发音: ['wɪntʃɪstə(r)]






1.温切斯特连发步枪a type of long gun that fires several bullets one after the other


n.1.a large bottle with a short narrow neck.

un.1.city in Hampshire, southern England. It was the capital of the Anglo-Saxon kingdom of Wessex.

1.温彻斯特 Portsmouth 朴茨茅斯大学 Winchester 温彻斯特大学 Edge Hill 边山大学 ...

4.温切斯特大学 伯明翰城市大学( bcu) 温切斯特大学( winchester) 桑德兰大学( sunderlan…

5.温盘了雷明顿UMC公司(Remington-UMC)、温彻斯特公司Winchester)、巴勒斯计算器公司(Burroughs Adding Machine C…

8.温撤斯特回到英国后,这个家庭定居在温撤斯特(Winchester),在那里Copn进入蒙哥玛利的艾拉民中学(Montgomery of Alamein seconda…


1.Brought up in Winchester in Scum country he grew up a Southampton fan and played for his boyhood club as a youngster.他在一个叫温彻斯特的渣滓乡下长大,在那成为南安普顿的球迷,还成为了该队的青年队队员。

2.The actor plays Castiel, the angel who saved Dean Winchester from you know where, and he's fast emerged as a fan favorite.演员扮演Castiel,谁救天使院长温彻斯特您知道在哪里,他的快速成为一个球迷喜爱。

3."Just a few hundred years ago it was unimaginably terrifying to venture into [The Atlantic], " Winchester says.“仅仅在百年前,去【大西洋】冒险还是无法想像的恐怖,”温彻斯特说。

4.It would be a great comfort to me and to my master to see a fair statue to The Maid in Winchester Cathedral.如能在温切斯特大教堂为少女建立一座美丽的雕像,我和我的主人将会感到莫大欣慰。

5.Pamela Barnes on Supernatural was a psychic whose eyesight and pfe would have been better off if she had avoided the Winchesters.《邪恶力量》中的PamelaBarnes是个巫师,如果避开Winchester一家,或许她的眼界和生活都会更好些。

6.Legend tells that at the time of his death Swithin was a bishop of Winchester Cathedral.据传说,斯韦辛死的时候是温切斯特大教堂的主教。

7.His character was moulded instead by his soldierly father and by the old-school classical education he received at Winchester College.他性格之形成,多得益于同为军人之令父,及在温切斯特公学所受旧派古典教育。

8.Robyn went out to Winchester Virginia found a ptter of black Labs and brought home Chester.罗宾去了趟弗吉尼亚的温切斯特,发现了一窝黑色的拉布拉多小狗,于是,把切斯特带回了家。

9.Sure. You Winchester boys are famous. Not Lohan famous, but, you know. . .当然,你们温家兄弟可是有名的,没有罗涵有名,但,你知道…

10.The unexplainable is waiting for you inside the Winchester Mystery House, so get ready for an adventure.温彻斯特神秘屋里的未解之谜等待你来解开,准备一次探险之旅吧。