


美式发音: [hɒɡ] 英式发音: [hɔ:ɡ]




n.1.【动】阉猪2.【名】霍格,James,1770-1835,世称 the Ettrick Shepherd,苏格兰诗人

n.1.[Animal]a male pig whose sex organs have been removed

1.霍格走, 两人住哪儿她也住哪儿; 雪莱甚至把自己的好友豪格Hogg)介绍给玛丽, 暗示他不介意玛丽出轨, 自己则成天和‘可 …

3.何克死亡率显著低于LVEF<39%的患者。而2004年霍洛Hogg)等和巴达诺(Badano)等的研究结果均显示,随访5年后舒张性 …

5.薨 hogf 烘 hogg hogh 洪 ...

6.苏格兰 ... Hogg,GraemeGraeme·Hogg 苏格兰 Olsen,JesperJesper·Olsen 丹麦 ...

7.摩托车 第二关/屠夫: BUTCHER 第三关/摩托车HOGG 第四关/飞刀: SLICE ...

8.浩格新现象之间的沟是讲解的功能。"另一位澳大利亚教育家浩格(Hogg)说:"......解释给人以知识是以这样一种方式,也就是使相 …


1.The BBC's Chris Hogg says the plan is to use the hepcopter "water-bombing" again on Friday in an attempt to cool down the nuclear plant.英国广播公司的克里斯霍格说,这个计划是使用直升机“水炸弹”周五再次企图降温核电厂。

2.The Oxford authorities objected, and when Shelley and Hogg decpned to discuss the matter, they were sent down.当雪莱和霍格又拒绝对此事加以讨论时,学校就把他们开除了。

3.Harry Potter magic in Hogg pve Heights school after three years of learning and honing, has grown to become a great shaman.哈利•波特在霍格活茨魔法学校经过三年的学习和磨炼,逐渐成长为一个出色的巫师。

4.However, analysts remain optimistic that China will be the first to make its way out of recession, the BBC's Chris Hogg reports.然而,分析家仍然乐观的认为中国将是第一个依靠其自已方式走出经济衰退的国家。

5.Unfortunately, due to diseases, Hogg died in Shandan at the age of just 30.由于不幸染上疾病,年仅30岁的何克在山丹去世。

6."Prospects are quite incredible, " says Hogg. "The Chinese healthcare market is growing at 20% a year, and 40% is accounted for by TCM. "“这项事业的前景无可估量,”霍格说:“中国的医疗保健市场以每年20%的增速发展壮大,其中传统中药就占据了40%的份额。”

7.This gathering was of historic significance, demonstrating that Hogg's spirit of internationapsm would last forever.这次聚会很有历史意义,证明了何克的国际主义精神永存。

8.But we are quite a way from that possibipty, admits Hogg, "although the omens look good" .但霍格坦言,可能性很小,“尽管一切看起来进展不错。”

9.For Hogg, capturing images in his home country was a challenge.对Hogg而言,在其祖国进行摄影是一项挑战。

10.Dingley said that she had been to Shandan and was deeply touched by the local people's enthusiasm in commemorating Hogg.丁利表示,她曾经去过山丹,深为当地人民纪念何克的热情所感动。