

shot glass

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1.烈酒杯 柯林杯 colpns glass 烈酒杯 shot glass 香槟杯 champagne glass ...

2.子弹杯 Lemonade Fill with 柠檬水至满 Shot glass 子弹杯 Amaretto 1 part 阿玛托一份 ...

3.小酒杯 马克杯 Mug 吞饮酒杯 Shot Glass 笛状香槟酒杯 Flute Champagne ...

5.饮杯 Old Fashioned 老式酒杯 (威士忌杯) Shot Glass 一口小酒杯 Zombie 一种水杯 ...

7.玻璃的浓缩杯特色是用玻璃的浓缩杯shot glass)装的,容量是4盎司,所以2盎司的espresso,2盎司的热牛奶和奶泡。最适合当下午咖 …


1.An average person should use a dollop -- enough to fill a shot glass, she said.一个普通的人剂量应该是一大团--足以填满一个小酒杯,她说。

2.pour the absinthe over the jagermeister and pght it. serve the drink on fire with a straw on the side. use double shot glass.苦艾酒之上倒入野格酒之上后点燃。在边缘插入一根吸管。使用子弹杯。

3.Pour each ingredient slowly down the side of a shot glass in order, they will settle nicely layered. Shoot.慢慢将各成分沿杯壁注入,分层。

4.But her father did break out a bottle of Mao-tai and gave me a shot glass of it.她爸还特意为我开了一瓶茅台,还给我倒了一杯。

5.But how often have we stood before God with just one small container, the size of a shot glass?可是,我们是否经常拿着像小酒杯那么细小的器皿来见神?

6.Mix ingredients with ice. Strain into a shot glass and add the raisins.混合入子弹杯,加葡萄干。

7.The bartender gets out a shot glass , paces off forty feet, and the contest begins.于是酒保拿出小杯,用脚步量出四十英尺,打赌比赛便正式开始。

8.Shake ingredients with ice, then strain into a shot glass.加冰摇后入子弹杯

9.Mix all ingredients in shaker with ice and strain into a shot glass.用搅拌器搅打后入载杯

10.Each pool is small enough to fit in a shot glass, and big enough to model the world.每个水池小到足以装进一个玻璃杯,大到足以模拟整个世界。