




1.推罗 Tuscus 图斯库斯 Tyrus 推罗 UMBRIA 温布利亚 ...

2.泰瑞斯 星芒( Asterius ) 泰瑞斯Tyrus) 胖胖熊( Bulgy Bear) ...

3.泰尔 西顿 = Zidon 泰尔 = Tyrus 耶路撒冷 = Jerusalem ...

4.泰拉斯 ... data-original-title="Tyrone- 泰洛" data-original-title="Tyrus- 泰拉斯" data-original-title="Tyson- 泰森" ...

5.泰卢斯泰卢斯Tyrus)站在她的身边,擦拭着他的P20。吉塔看起来和平时一样的漂亮,尤其是重做了鼻子之后,那是马库斯送给她 …


1.Ephraim, as I saw Tyrus, is planted in a pleasant place: but Ephraim shall bring forth his children to the murderer.我看以法莲如推罗栽于美地。以法莲却要将自己的儿女带出来,交与行杀戮的人。

2.3And Tyrus did build herself a strong hold, and heaped up silver as the dust, and fine gold as the mire of the streets.3推罗为自己修筑保障,积蓄银子如尘沙,堆起精金如街上的泥土。

3.And Hamath also shall border thereby; Tyrus, and Zidon, though it be very wise.和靠近的哈马,并推罗,西顿,因为这二城的人大有智慧。

4.London-based Tyrus yesterday became the largest fund to launch so far this year.总部位于伦敦的Tyrus昨日成为今年以来发行规模最大的基金。

5.New pickup Tyrus Thomas, who was traded from the Bulls on Thursday, had six blocks and 12 rebounds in his Bobcats debut.新近从公牛被交易来的TyrusThomas在他的山猫队处子秀中取得6个盖帽12个篮板。