




1.在……角落 in ten more years 再过十年之后 in the corner of 在……角落 in the end 最后,结果 ...

2.在……的角落里 in the center of 在……的中央 in the corner of 在……的角落里 on the corner of (外角) ...

3.在……之角 ... pstened to 听 in the corner of 在……之角(转弯处) Too many cooks spoilt the broth stay at home 呆在家 ...

4.在角落处 ... Forgotten In The Corner 遗忘在街角 in the corner of 在角落处 Back In The Corner 后面角落 ...

5.角落里有一张沙发 ... on your left/right 在你的左边/右边 in the corner of … (内角) at the corner of … (外角) ...


1.There seems to be a fridge in the corner of the kitchen.厨房的角落里似乎有一台冰箱。

2.Her teammates are about to accept another mission when a phone window opens up in the corner of Ana's video screen.正当她的队友准备接受下一个任务时,安娜的屏幕角落里弹出了一个通讯窗口。

3.You always seem to know where to find me and I'm still here behind you In the corner of your eye.你似乎总是知道哪儿可以找到我,我总在你视野的角落里,

4.You got distracted watching the music video that as playing in the corner of your bathroom mirror while you were brushing your teeth.你正在盥洗室里刷牙,却被玻璃镜一角正放着的音乐录像弄得分了心。

5.I've been witness of people who are too scared to make fools of themselves that they end up in the corner of a party, not talking to anyone.我见过一些这样的人,他们太害怕取笑他们自己了,以致于他们最终躲在了派对的角落,不与任何人说话。

6.He is much fish still and I saw that the hook was in the corner of his mouth and he has kept his mouth tight shut.这鱼依旧很厉害。我看见过钓钩挂在它的嘴角,它把嘴闭得紧紧的。

7.He heaped the leaves up in the corner of the garden.他把树叶堆在花园的角落里。

8.Tucked away in the corner of an optics catalog, Fergus found a special filter that blocks visible pght, but not IR or UV.费格斯在一本塞在某个角落的光学器材目录里发现了一种能阻隔可见光的滤光片。

9.All the grief always leaves a joy to a clue, all sorry they leave a place in the corner of the perfect.所有的悲伤总会留下一丝欢乐的线索,所有的遗憾总会留下一处完美的角落。

10.The man is speaking to a parrot with a cigar in the corner of his mouth.那个嘴边叨着雪茄的人正在和一只鹦鹉说话。