



1.Waterfalls and palm trees are well placed to hide the fact that the pool area is an artificial garden in the 8th floor.在八楼,瀑布和棕榈树的存在很好的掩盖了这其实是一个人造花园的事实。

2.All rooms are located from the 8th floor and above, and all superior rooms face the Nanning Exhibition Centre.所有房间都在8层以上,南宁国际会展中心美景尽收眼底。

3.We were on the 8th floor and every floor below us was under construction.我们在8楼,在我们下面的每一层楼都在施工。

4.Benjamin: Oh, you see, we are on the 8th floor, and moving into the 6th floor in another building. It is about 15 kilometers to get there.本杰明:你看,我们住在八楼,要搬到另一栋公寓的六楼,去那里有15公里的路程。

5.Popce said Liu jumped from the 8th floor of the apartment.警方在初步调查后判定刘从公寓第8层跳下。

6.Two months ago, Ng Ka Tsuen Road, Haidian District 10th House on the 8th, 9th floor of more than 140 households throughout fear, fidgety .两个多月来,海淀区吴家村路10号院8号、9号楼的140多户居民整日提心吊胆,坐立不安。

7.The sign on the 8th floor will guide you.到了8层,你可以看到指示路标。

8.Professor Green pves in Room 806 on the 8th floor.格林教授住在第八层的806房间。

9.Welcome to the 8th floor, I am the flat waitress.欢迎您来八楼,我是楼层服务员。

10.but a letter found in one ancient Roman city gives directions to an apartment on the 8th floor.可从罗马古城里发现的一封信上描述了一座八楼的公寓。