




1.科比 加内特: Kevin-Garnett 科比: Kobe-Bryant 纳什: Steve-Nash ...

2.科比-布莱恩特 ... . Toyson Chandler 泰森-钱德勒 . Kobe-Bryant 科比-布莱恩特 . Dwight Howard 德怀特-霍华德 ...


1.The Lakers said the right ankle Kobe Bryant tweaked during Tuesday night's game was not a problem and that he would play tonight.另外湖人官方还表示,科比在周二晚上的比赛扭到了的脚踝并没有什么大碍,他铁定会参加今天晚上的比赛!

2.But Kobe Bryant, unpke that other much-mapgned superstar Alex Rodriguez, doesn't care what you think of him.但是科比并不像另外一个备受诽谤的超级巨星—亚历克斯罗德里盖斯(棒球界),他才不理别人是怎么看待他的。

3.Jackson was correct when he said that Kobe Bryant is no Michael Jordan, that there is no comparison.当杰克逊说到科比不是乔丹的时候是没错的,因为这并不具有可比性。

4.He is not too far removed from his two scoring championships, and when he catches fire, only Kobe Bryant is a more potent scorer.他并没辱没自己两届得分王的名声,当他手感好时,也只有科比才是个强大的对手。

5.Shaquille O'Neal gets figuratively dunked on if Kobe Bryant gets his own ring. I would love to see that happen.如果科比率队勇夺总冠军,就好比是往奥尼尔脸上给了猛力一击。我很乐意看到这种情况发生。

6.Kobe Bryant: Everyting negative-pressure, challenges-is all an opportunity for me to rise.科比·布莱恩特:所有负面的东西——压力,挑战——对于我都是提升自己的机会。

7.Kobe Bryant's bad back might have cost the Lakers Game 4 Sunday, but in the end, it might be the thing that pushes them to a title.科比的背伤让湖人队的第4场比赛遗憾失利,但是现在来看,也许这更能激励他们去获得总冠军。

8.In fact, Kobe Bryant spoke with him a few years ago about the favorable geography of that Bulls team.事实上,科比在前几年也说过地理上最有优势的是像公牛这样的球队。

9.Kobe Bryant, who came out of the training room to be interviewed, hugged Winter.而科比从训练室出来接受媒体采访时,他拥抱了温特老人。

10.As another NBA season is now behind us and Kobe Bryant has picked up his fifth title, his place in history is up for debate.随着又一个NBA赛季的落幕和科比拿到他第五个总冠军,有关他历史地位的讨论再次摆上议程。