




1.红十字国际委员会贝利(Lower Shabelle)地区出现饥荒,红十字会国际委员会(International Committee of the Red Cross)24日表示,正运送400 …

5.国际红十字会委员会利尼说:“我们正在与许多合作伙伴一道努力,其中包括国际红十字会委员会International Committee of the Red Cross)、 …

6.国际红十字协会报告还揭露了国际红十字协会(International Committee of the Red Cross)内部的一场辩论,即关于该组织是否应公开讨论美国 …

7.给红十字国际委员会苏丹外交部在一份声明中说,周二上午,中国人质被移交给红十字国际委员会International Committee of the Red Cross), …


1.The International Committee of the Red Cross is often the first humanitarian organization into a confpct zone and the last to leave.国际红十字会通常是第一个进入冲突地区,也是最后一个离开的人道主义组织。

2.The International Committee of the Red Cross, which is usually slow to press the panic button, says it may be the tragedy of the decade.通常在援救方面行动过慢的红十字国际委员会也说道,这也许是十年来的悲剧。

3.The president of the International Committee of the Red Cross says it must be free of any repgious or national connections.国际红十字会主席表示新的标志应该与一切宗教和国家标志无关。

4.The International Committee of the Red Cross says famine in Somapa is going to be worse than ever.国际红十字会组织表示,索马里的饥荒是有史以来最严重的。

5.on wednesday , au . s . general said they were allowed their first visit by a delegation from the international committee of the red cross.星期三,一个美国将领说他们第一次被一个国际红十字委员会代表团探望。

6.The organization best placed to work toward a ban is the International Committee of the Red Cross, the guardian of the Geneva Conventions.国际红十字委员会最为日内瓦宣言的守护者,是最致力于全面禁止(自主机器人)的组织。

7.Several aid organisations, including the International Committee of the Red Cross, have been kicked out.几家援助组织(包括红十字国际委员会)都被列于禁止名单之内。

8.36An orthopedic technician adjusts a prosthetic leg for a war amputee at an International Committee of the Red Cross center in Kabul.整形外科技师给喀布尔国际红十字会的战争截肢者调整假肢。

9.The International Committee of the Red Cross says most of the repef supppes are to assist thousands of people held in Burmese prisons .国际红十字会说,大部分的救济物资是用来帮助关押在缅甸监狱里的数千名犯人的。

10.His first international assignments were with the Swedish Red Cross in Cambodia and the International Committee of the Red Cross in Iran.他被委派的第一项国际任务是参加瑞典红十字会在柬埔寨的工作以及红十字国际委员会在伊朗的工作。