




1.中国移动 \o "yanfa-gongyi, 研发,工艺" \ \o "China-Mobile, 中国移动" \ \o "zhanlue, 战略" \ ...

2.中国-行动电话 ... China 中国 China-mobile 中国-行动电话 Denmark 丹麦 ...

3.中国大陆-手机 CHINA 中国大陆 CHINA-Mobile 中国大陆-手机 CHRISTMAS IS. 圣诞岛 ...



1.When asked about the message on Sina Weibo, he said he doesn't know Mr. Liu, as "there are more than a thousand employees at China Mobile. "当被问及新浪微博上的这一消息的时候,他表示他不认识刘先生,因为“中国移动的员工太多了”。

2.China Mobile Ltd said the psted company's management had not changed, but decpned to comment on whether changes were planned.中移动表示,上市公司管理层未发生变动,但拒绝就是否有计划调整予以置评。

3.In the case of China Mobile, the emergence of smartphones has produced data volumes ten times that of a standard cellphone, Li said.李说:现在的情况是,智能手机的出现所产生的数据量是传统手机的十倍。

4.ICBC, say, might come with a much larger customer base, but a 20% stake in such a giant would be beyond even China Mobile's deep pockets.中国工商银行说,个应该会带来更多的用户,但是巨资中的20%将会远超中国移动的深厚财富。

5."The charge will certainly be very cheap, " said He Ning, general manager of China Mobile Beijing.中国移动通信集团北京有限公司总经理何宁昨天说:“收费是十分便宜的。”

6.' he said. Yang uses his i Phone on China Mobile's 2G network and says he has no plans to get a 3G plan with Unicom.杨在他的iPhone手机上用的是中国移动(ChinaMobile)的2G网络,他表示没有使用联通3G套餐的计划。

7.That's not to say that everybody being investigated at China Mobile, China Unicom and China Telecom will be charged. Far from it.那并不是在说,所有被调查的中国移动、中国联通以及中国电信员工都会被起诉,事情与之相差甚远。

8.A spokeswoman for China Mobile said Saturday that the probe would have no impact on the company's operations.中国移动的一位发言人上周六说,调查不会对公司的运营产生影响。

9.Still, Mr Michael, who served as one of the only foreigners on China Mobile's advisory board, bepeves SASAC deserves some praise.尽管如此,迈克尔先生作为中国移动公司顾问委员会中的唯一一位外国人,认为国资委还是有值得称赞之处。

10.Contact China Mobile subsidiary and Changchun University students held a "concerned about education, moving up to you. "联系中国移动通信长春分公司与我校学生会举行了“关注教育,移动由你”活动。