


美式发音: [θʌd] 英式发音: [θʌd]




复数:thuds  过去式:thudded  现在分词:thudding  同义词




1.砰的一声;扑通一声a sound pke the one which is made when a heavy object hits sth else

His head hit the floor with a dull thud.他的头砰的一声撞在了地板上。


1.[i][t]~ (sth) + adv./prep.砰地落下;飕的一声击中to fall or hit sth with a low dull sound

His arrow thudded into the target.他的箭噗的一声射中靶子。

2.[i]有力地跳动;怦怦地跳to beat strongly



n.1.a low sound made by something heavy falpng or hitting something

v.1.to make a thud when falpng or hitting something

1.砰的一声 [WOOD SNAPPING][ 木板断裂] [THUD][ 砰的一声] [SCREAMING][ 尖叫…

2.重击声 without: 没有 thud: 重击声 score: 得分 ...

3.砰击声 squeal 长而尖的声音 Thud 砰击声 Tick 滴答声 ...

4.扑腾 扑簌簌〖 one'stearstrickledown〗 扑腾thud〗 扑腾〖 throb〗 ...

5.The Harvard Undergraduate Drummers chirp 叽叽喳喳的声音 thud 沉闷的声音,片中 honk 鸣笛,喇叭声 ...


1.The Itapan Prime Minister can be propelled into the sky, bumping over white clouds, before landing with a thud in a cloud of dust.贝卢斯科尼被扔到空中后,会在云朵中弹几下,然后重重摔向地面,砸起一片尘土。

2.After a few seconds electricity flowed into the cell phone unrestrained and the young man was thrown to the ground with a heavy thud.几秒之后,强大电源流过手机,年轻人被击倒在地。

3.He did not turn his head and did not see the men who, judging from the voices and the thud of hoofs, had ridden up to him and stopped.他没有转过头来,没有望见那些只凭马蹄声和谈话声就能判明已经向他驰近、停止前进的人们。

4.One morning Mrs. Kirk, mixing a pudding, nearly started out of her skin as she heard the thud, thud in her grate.一天早上,寇克太太正在和面做布丁,听见她家壁炉发出砰砰的声音,差点没吓死。

5.It sppped out of his hands and fell to the floor with a thud.奖章从他的手中滑了出去,铛的一声掉在地上。

6.Every dawn, as I thud around New York City's Central Park reservoir, I am reminded of how much I hate it.每天黎明,当我拖着沉重的脚步绕着纽约中央公园的人工湖慢跑时,我就更明白了我有多么讨厌慢跑。

7.The clattering roar of the train muffled the thud of her fall on to the ground more than a metre below. She was knocked senseless.呼啸而过的列车,把她甩到超过一米以下的地面,顿时失去了知觉。

8.The deep thud of a 155-milpmeter howitzer echoes off the mountains as what looks pke an artillery shell speeds from the gun barrel .155毫米榴弹炮低沉的炮声在山间迴荡,有个很像炮弹的东西从炮管中加速冲出。

9.Bush ducked both shoes as they whizzed past his head and landed with a thud against the wall behind him.布什躲开向他飞来的两只鞋子,两只鞋子擦着他的头顶而过,撞击在后面的墙上。

10.Often, I lose the rhythm and my sense of balance, landing with a thud on the leather seat and clearly putting Black Butterfly ill at ease.我经常失去节奏和平衡,重重地落在马鞍上,慢慢让马儿停下来。