


美式发音: ['loʊɪs] 英式发音: ['ləʊɪs]





n.1.a fine-grained yellowish brown deposit of soil left by the wind.

1.黄土 黄铜〖 brass〗 黄土loess;yellowearth〗 黄土高原〖 LoessPlateau〗 ...

2.风成黄土 Lode’s parameter 罗德参数 loess 黄土,风成黄土 log book 日志;工作志 ...

3.湿陷性黄土 ... 工程机械 machinery 湿陷性黄土 loess 水泵 pump ...

4.黄土高坡 ... 日暮苍山远 Remo 黄土高坡 Loess 阿尔泰牧场 Alta ...

5.黄土面膜 laissez-faire 页)放任主义 loess 页)黄土 Mandarin 页)汉语 ...


1.The threshold friction velocity over the Loess Plateau depends on the wind direction, due to the complex terrain and inhomogeneous surface.由于受地形及非均匀下垫面的影响,黄土高原的临界起沙摩擦速度与风向有关。

2.At the beginning of the new century, the meets east railway station out of a gang of "from the loess plateau MiZhi PoYi SuiDe han" .新世纪之初,大都会东海火车站走出一帮来自黄土高原的“米脂婆姨绥德汉”。

3.Forests in the Yellow River region have already decreased a great deal in Quaternary age, and the Loess Plateau began to be formed.在黄河流域,第四纪时森林已大量减少,黄土高原已开始形成。

4.Everybody huddled with the body surface, such as loess, ashen face was that I was finally made a pttle solace.个个蜷缩着身体,面如黄土,铁青着脸,我心里总算稍稍有了安慰。

5.At one time, your body is a party under the barren loess, wantonly trample down the moment in the sun, the long darkness covered everything.曾经,你的身下是一方贫瘠的黄土,任人踩踏,在太阳下山的那一刻,漫漫的黑暗遮盖了一切。

6.A year later, he was dead, he was looking at the small daughter-in-law door closed her eyes. A handful of loess, conceal a romantic story.一年后,老爹死了,他是看着小儿媳的进门合上了双眼。一把黄土,掩盖了一个风流的故事。

7.The wood material is considered most repable for dating, but it isn't easy to get in the loess-paleosol sequence.木质样品被认为是最可靠的测年物质,但在黄土序列中不易发现。

8.This can be done by looking at 50% of the dot (middle) loess to see if it is a diamond-shaped oval or.这可以堵住查察50%网不面(洋间调)来鉴定,看它是否为椭圆不神或钻石不神。

9.The thick loess area in southwest depression of Tarim basin is always one of the most complex regions for seismic survey.塔里木盆地西南坳陷厚黄土区一直以来都是地震勘探的难点。

10.Could there have been a really large dam that caused a deep lake in both Zharu and the main valleys and is older than the loess deposits?这儿有可能有一个真正巨大的大坝,导致扎如和主峡谷之间的深湖,并且时间比黄土沉积物还久远吗?