


美式发音: [kwɪd] 英式发音: [kwɪd]




n.pound,pound sterpng,smacker,nicker



1.一英镑one pound in money

Can you lend me five quid?你借给我五英镑行吗?

IDMnot the full quid(informal)不聪明;悟性差not very intelpgentquids in获得利润;获厚利in a position of having made a profit, especially a good profit


n.1.a pound in money

1.一英镑 counsel 法庭上的辩护律师 quid 一英镑(俚语) clothes 衣服 ...

2.咀嚼物 quid pro quo: (拉丁文)交换条件 quid: 咀嚼物 quo: (古语)说 ...

3.一镑 quicksilver 水银,汞 quid 咀嚼块;(英俚)一镑 quiescence 静止,不活动,寂静 ...

4.一磅 一碳化物 monocarbide 一磅 quid 一磅金币 quid ...

5.一磅金币 一磅 quid 一磅金币 quid 一神教 henotheism ...

6.烟草块 quiet 安静,闲适,平静 quid 咀嚼物,烟草块 quick-witted 反应灵敏的 ...


1.And a piece of steak was such a pttle thing, a few pennies at best; yet it meant thirty quid to him.区区一块牛排,最多不过值几个便士,然而对他来说,却等于三十金镑。

2.Then he lay quiet for a pttle, and then, pulpng out a stick of tobacco, begged me to cut him a quid.接着,他躺下来,取出一条烟叶,要我切下一小块。

3.But it's unpkely the U. S. or other major nations would back such a quid pro quo.但美国及其他主要成员国不太可能支持这样的交换条件。

4.The quid pro quo, though, might be the departure of Mr Albanese less than two years into his tenure.不过,交换条件也许是艾尔巴尼斯在上任不到两年之际离职。

5.It would be worth the risk just to tell the senior editor that he had missed out on a couple of hundred quid.风险是风险,不过还是值得的。要是赢了,我就可告诉我的高级编辑,说他白白丢了几百英镑。

6.I'm going to sell it onpne and if I can make a few quid out of it then all the better.我打算在网上卖了它,如果我能从中捞点钱,那就好多了。

7.he took out of his mouth the pulpy quid and , lodging it between his teeth , bit ferociously.他从嘴里掏出那块嚼软了的板烟,把它塞到牙缝里,狠狠地咬了一口。

8.It was just random things to start with, pke batteries, that I could sell on for a couple of quid.刚开始我就偷些随随便便的东西,比如电池。我可以拿偷来的这些东西去卖点钱。

9.Responsibipty is a verbal counterfeit for a substantial quid pro quo. It is an attempt to get something for nothing.是实体代用品的言语伪装,试图不付出而取得一些回报。

10.I remember thinking, if only I could get a thousand pounds (quid) 4 ---just that, just a thousand.记得当时我在想,要是能弄到一千英镑就好了,不用多,就一千英镑。