



美式发音: [ˈfoʊˌtɑn] 英式发音: [ˈfəʊtɒn]






n.1.a unit of energy in the form of pght

1.光子vices)所组成(亦简称为 CCD), 是一种将光量子 (photons)转换为电子电荷的光偶合材料(如图 2 所示), 在每个 2 维矩阵 的影 …

4.虚光子)来为模型著色时,如何适当地设定光子部份的参数如:光子数(Photons)、光子反射次数(Depth)、搜寻半径(Diff. radius)、光 …

6.粒子流iciency) :直接步入或者投射在感测组件上的光量子总额(Photons) ,与被传感器换成电荷数的比率,凡是用百分比(%)来暗示。


1.Dokuchaev calculates, such a planet would be brightly illuminated by the singularity and by photons trapped in the same orbit.多库恰耶夫推算,这样的一个行星将被奇点和捕获在相同轨道的光子照耀的异常明亮。

2.This new source operates at a rate of one pair of photons collected every 8 pulses (compared to less than one pair every 100 pulses so far).这个新源每8次脉冲能收集到一个纠缠光子对(相比目前1%的生产率提升了许多)。

3.So in some sense, in this sort of situation, the photons should be considered one of the reactants.这种条件在某种意义下,应该把光子也当做反应物。

4.But how much of a delay between neutrinos and photons would we expect if the OPERA result appped?但是,如果OPERA的结果适用,我们期望中微子和光子之间的延时能到多大程度?

5.In the long run, the researchers should be able to reach a rate close to one pair of photons per pulse.从长远来看,研究人员应该能够达到接近100%的生产率(每个激励脉冲都能产生一对纠缠光子)。

6.Photons travelpng at any other angle within the material are reflected back inside when they reach the surface.在材料内部以其他角度飞行的光子,只会在遇到表面时被反射回去。

7.The next step for the JQI team is to improve the photons' precision and the rate of communication between the particles.JOI小组的下一步是提高光子的精度和在两个粒子传递信息的速率。

8.Two schemes for quantum secure sharing and information spptting have been proposed with single photons or two-qubit entanglements as well.提出了一个基于单光子信号源的量子机密共享和信息劈裂模型,一个基于两粒子最大纠缠态的机密共享模型。

9.Those photons are still running loose, detectable as the cosmic microwave background, a microwave glow from all parts of the sky.这时光子的运动仍然是无规则的,以宇宙背景辐射的形式存在——就是从宇宙的各个部分发出的微波。

10.Such a quantum repeater uses groups of three photons for each bit of the message.这种量子中继器使用一组三个光子对应信息的一个字节。