


美式发音: [lə'vænt] 英式发音: [lɪ'vænt]

n.地中海东部沿岸诸国和岛屿;同“Levant morocco”





n.1.地中海东部沿岸诸国和岛屿2.同“Levant morocco”3.地中海上的强烈东风

n.1.Same as Levant morocco

1.黎凡特兰教的教规极其严格。”(《重返喀什噶尔》)在地中海东岸Levant)的一些城市里,男子多少会说四五种语言,在外面见 …

7.美国钢琴家利万特 ... -Vitor Hugo( 法国小说家雨果) 2004-09-28 -O. Levant美国钢琴家利万特) 2004-09-27 ...


1.One European foreign minister calls it "a small Yugoslavia in the Levant" .欧洲一位外交部长称之为“地中海东部的小南斯拉夫”。

2.Sub-Saharan Africa, Southeast Asia, the Subcontinent, not to speak of Latin America, were all seized long before Mesopotamia or the Levant.撒哈拉沙漠以南的非洲,东南亚,南亚次大陆,更不用说拉美了,在美索不达米亚或累范特(theLevant)之前,长期以来都处于西方的控制之下。

3.s , he had passed it on his voyage to and from the levant , but never touched at it.唐太斯在去勒旺的航行中虽多次经过它,却从未上去过。

4.Two of the scarcest commodities in the Levant are "a diplomatic solution that sticks" and "genuine gains for ordinary Palestinian people. "注意:在中东地区真正缺少的两个必备措施分别是“外交解决方案”和“普通巴勒斯坦民众着实收益”。

5.But for the non-Levant traditions redemption takes place inside the psyche of the individual in a dimension transcending time and space.但是对于那些非累范特宗教而言,拯救是来自于个人心灵内部的,它发生在超越时间和空间的第三维次元中。

6.The Levant pattern, which has a low-profile grained appearance, should be the easiest to sweep.地中海东部模式,而低姿态颗粒外观,应该是最容易清扫。

7.The Levant Basin Province is a perfect model for this principle in operation.阆风盆地地区的这种解决方案正是体现这种原则的完美范例。

8.Merchants brought with them ideas from far corners of the globe, particularly the Levant.世界各地的商人带着不同的观点来到这里,尤其是黎范特地区。

9.Moreover, the recent confpct in the Levant may also dampen confidence in the region.此外,最近黎凡特的冲突也可能会影响对该地区的信心。

10.Levant repgions also require a division of us -vs- them, "us" being the chosen group.累范特宗教还强调“自我”与“他人”之区分——“自我”就是那优选的民族。