




1.小布什的外号 ... 4、John Paul II: 教皇约翰保罗二世。 7、Dubya: 小布什的外号。 10、John Roberts: 新任美国最高法院 …

2.达不溜DELTA KAPPA EPSILON)主席,而「达不雅」(DUBYA)的绰号也是兄弟们给他,这可不是个甚麽多高贵的昵称,而是带 …

4.阿斗了解布希时代快结束了,而美国再也不会有人像布希这个阿斗 (Dubya)注1  一样对中国如此忍让。


1.All of which must be a worrying sign for John Kerry - unless the "Dubya" is counted as part of his rival's name.所有这些对约翰·克里来说一定是一个令人担忧的迹象,除非布什名字中的W也被算作姓的一部分。

2.Meanwhile, events in Egypt and Tunisia show democracy may indeed be spreading in the Middle East now, just as Dubya wanted.同时,埃及和突尼斯发生的事情表明:中东可能真的需要民主了。如布什总统所愿。

3.Nixon got us in, George HW Bush sealed the deal, and Dubya ran up the credit card, and gave Communist China "Preferred Nation" status.尼克松忽悠了我们,老布什封锁了交易,小布什增长了信用卡,然后给了共产主义中国“最惠国待遇”的地位。

4.But they needed to win over Tea Partiers, who claim that they were criticizing Dubya's profpgacy long before President Obama took office.但是他们需要说服茶党,该党声称他们一直批评答不溜长期肆意挥霍直到奥巴马执政。

5.Stay the Course " (2004) Dubya's off-stated guidance for Iraq War. "“坚持到底”(2004)布什在伊拉克战争问题上的指导方针。

6.(Thanks Dubya for the $1. 3tn deficit. )(布什留下1.3万亿美元的赤字。)