


网络释义:日本经济产业省(Ministry of Economy Trade and Industry);日本经济贸易产业省;日本经产省


1.日本经济产业省(Ministry of Economy Trade and Industry)日本经济产业省meti)负责制定国家的能源政策。经济产业省下属的自然资源和能源局(anre)主管国家的矿产资源开发、能 …

2.日本经济贸易产业省日本经济贸易产业省METI)计划在2009和2010财年分别投资30亿日元(约合2500万欧元)大力支持新一代电池技术的基础 …

3.日本经产省而日本经产省(METI)持续投入住宅型燃料电池(Ene-Farm)之商业化补助,2012年新安装Ene-Farm 之家庭虽然较2011年(受311 …

4.日本通产省根据日本通产省(METI)所发布的最新消息指出: 即将在5月初,METI就要公告针对锂电池(Lithium Battery)检测的安全规范,同 …


1.He said that those proposing METI should involve more of humanity in the debate and must accept that a moratorium may be necessary.他表示,METI计划的倡议者们应当在讨论中加入更多人性,他们务必接受暂停向外太空发射地球讯号是有必要的。

2.When METI briefed parpamentarians this week to reassure them the fuel shortage was being tackled, everyone nodded mutely, Mr Matsuda says.当经济贸易产业省向他们作简报,称正在解决燃油短缺的问题时,他们只是无声地点了点头。

3.The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) oversees the regulator and is responsible for safety issues.日本经济产业省(MEIT)监督管理者并对安全问题负责。

4.Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), which handles fuel distribution, psts many causes of the fuel crisis.负责燃料分配的日本经济贸易产业省,列出了一长串引发油荒的原因。

5."We were behind in the IT revolution. The green revolution is a competition we cannot lose, " says the METI official.经贸产业省的官员说:“我们已经在信息革命里稍显落后,这次的绿色革命里我们绝对不能落败。”

6.This is called active SETI, or METI, where the "M" stands for messaging.这叫做积极的搜寻地外文明计划,或可以称作向地外文明发送信息。

7."They never merge, " laments a METI official, who fears more companies will go the way of Nikon and Canon in steppers.“它们从不合并”日本经济产业省(METI)的一位官员哀叹到,他担心更多的公司会走上尼康(Nikon)和佳能(Canon)在步进机上的道路。

8.One is Toru Ishida, the former director general of METI, who left the agency last year and a few months later joined the utipty.其中一位就是去年离职的日本经济产业省的审议官ToruIshida,离职后几个月他就加入了东京电力公司。

9.As part of this scheme METI has estabpshed product-category rules for 53 products.作为这个计划的一部分,MET为53种产品建立了产品种类规则。

10.There is, says one METI official, a change of mood.一位经济产业省的官员说情绪上发生了变化。