




1.狗爹 fz110网址被屏蔽 法制110 0元 godaddy 域名续费优惠码 cangtu.org 藏图 88元 ...

3.狗爹域名 评论 Last:0.4 % (配置空间和域名Godaddy:0.4 % 图文教程 Godaddy:0.4 % ...

5.域名使用 http://godaddy.promo-code网址被屏蔽/; (英文) Godaddy 域名使用: Godaddy 域名过户过 …

6.他爹在狗他爹Godaddy)注册,域名就完完全全是属于自己的,有完全的控制权,标价是$10.69元,用了优惠码就CUT 30%了, …

7.国外域名及主机在长期的忍受国内域名及主机价高低能的情况下,终于在今年初,尝试购买了国外域名及主机godaddy)。深深感觉到在国外 …


1.But how much does it really hurt Go Daddy to leave China?但离开中国会给GoDaddy带来多少实质性的伤害?

2.Go Daddy's move 'is a powerful sign that American IT companies want to do the right thing in repressive countries, ' he said.他还说,GoDaddy的举措是美国IT公司要在实行压制的国家采取正确行动的强烈信号。

3.But even before Wednesday's announcement, the company already noticed that from time to time access to its site was blocked in China.但在周三宣布这一决定之前,GoDaddy公司已经注意到从中国接入其网站时会不时受到屏蔽。

4.The CEO of domain name registrar GoDaddy, Bob Parson, is in some hot water thanks to a viral video chronicpng his African adventures.域名注册服务商GoDaddy的首席执行官鲍勃•帕森斯有麻烦了,因为关于他非洲冒险的一段视频在网上疯传。

5.Providing additional information to the Chinese government is something that Go Daddy's customers clearly didn't want to do, she said.她说,向中国政府提供额外信息显然非GoDaddy的客户所愿。

6.Representative Smith "praised Internet domain host site GoDaddy. com which said it will no longer offer new Chinese Web domains. "Smith议员对网络域名主机提供商GoDaddy网址被屏蔽提出了表扬,因为该网站不再提供新的中文网站域名。

7.I've used multiple domain services over the past few years, and my favorite by far is Go Daddy at godaddy. com.过去几年我用过许多域名服务,但我最喜欢的还是godaddy网址被屏蔽的GoDaddy。

8.Whatever service you use, you should stay away from GoDaddy at all cost.不论你使用什么服务,千万不要与GoDaddy打交道。

9.So far, Jones said she hasn't heard from Chinese authorities about the move.琼斯说,她目前还未听到中国政府对GoDaddy公司此举的反应。

10.But China still accounts for less than 1% of Go Daddy's revenue.但中国对GoDaddy总收入的贡献仍不足1%。