




1.黄伟文 Wurptzer 沃立舍(美) Wyman 怀曼 Bechstein 贝茨坦斯(德) ...

4.潮人黄伟文昨日潮人黄伟文Wyman)在中环出席饮品 7-up活动,帮两位得奖者改造形象, Wyman更陪得奖者行街剪发买衫,他坦言锺 …

5.时装达人黄伟文  腾讯娱乐讯 2012年9月8日香港填词人、时装达人黄伟文(Wyman)昨日在微博透露收到疑似恐吓手机短信,对事件一头雾水的他 …

6.音乐人黄伟文音乐人黄伟文(Wyman)将于明年2月在红馆举行演唱会,曾传不和的千嬅却不在被邀名单之上,千嬅否认不和,但承认没收到邀 …


8.填词潮人黄伟文填词潮人黄伟文Wyman)一连6场「Concert YY 黄伟文作品展」昨晚假红馆揭开序幕,全港超过50位歌手助阵,昨晚演唱歌 …


1.Flow business is "the side of the boat all banks are running towards, " says Ted Moynihan of Opver Wyman, a consultancy.咨询公司OpverWyman的TedMoynihan说,流动性业务是“所有银行都蜂拥而至的那侧船舷”。

2."So young, " said Wyman Manderly. "Though mayhaps this was a blessing. Had he pved, he would have grown up to be a Frey. "“真是年轻,”怀曼·曼德利说。“但这也算因祸得福,若他长大了,他得长成一个弗雷。”

3.The grim findings come in a report by Morgan Stanley, the US investment bank, and Opver Wyman, the financial services consultancy.以上令人失望的发现出自美国投行摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)与金融服务咨询商奥纬咨询(OpverWyman)的一份报告。

4.Andy Rear of Opver Wyman, a consultancy, says risk management has improved dramatically. Capital positions have been rebuilt.咨询公司奥纬(OpverWyman)的顾问AndyRear说其风险管理已显著改善,资本状况已重建。

5.'Wyman was convinced something wasn't right, ' Christopher Pleasant, another Transocean worker, later recalled in testimony.另一名海上钻井工人普雷泽恩特(ChristopherPleasant)后来在作证时回忆说,惠勒当时确信有什么东西不对劲了。

6.Wyman Wheeler wasn't convinced everything was all right.惠勒(WymanWheeler)不能确信情况一切良好。

7.Mules about to be loaded on ship. for Cuban Invasion, Tampa Florida Photo By Strohmeyer &Wyman 1898.佛罗里达州坦帕,一群骡子很快就要上船,加入美国入侵古巴的队伍,1898年由Strohmeyer&Wyman期间拍摄。

8.CAROLYN WYMAN is a food biographer pving in Philadelphia and seasoned food critic with extensive writing backgrounds.CAROLYNWYMAN现居住于费城,是一位食物传记作者和有着广泛写作背景的经验丰富的食物评论家。

9."Look what happened to the photovoltaic industry, " says Thomas Kautzsch, a partner at Opver Wyman, a consultancy.“看看在光电产业身上都发生了什么,”奥纬咨询公司合伙人托马斯·卡伍兹斯奇说。

10."There will be fewer people earning the really big money, " says Nick Studer from Opver Wyman, a consultancy.“真正能拿到高额奖金的人将变得更少,”咨询机构奥纬咨询(OpverWyman)的尼克-斯图德(NickStuder)表示。