




1.尊巴 Aero-Dance 有氧舞蹈 孙嘉欣☆ Zumba 尊吧 Aero—Latin 有氧拉丁 ...


5.尊巴课程其中尊巴课程(Zumba)是时下最流行的塑身减肥课程之一。它是一种“感受快乐”的健身运动, 它将拉丁和国际音乐舞蹈相结合, …


1.Since Beto brought Zumba to the U. S. in 1999, it has become one of the fastest-growing, dance-based fitness crazes in the country.从贝托在1999年将尊巴带到美国后,它已成为这个国家增长最快并备受追捧的舞蹈健身方式之一。

2."Everybody comes in early morning, lunch time to take classes and in the evening for zumba or sports conditioning, " she said.“每个人在清晨前来,利用午餐时间去上课,晚上跳尊巴或进行运动训练。”她说道。

3.Get in tune with what you're body's telpng you and lose yourself in the melodic beats of Zumba!在调整中获取你的身体告诉你失去自己的旋律跳动尊巴!

4.The gyms will provide private and group training in kickboxing, yoga, zumba, capoeira as well as weights and specially-designed programs.麦当娜的健身房将开设跆拳道、瑜伽、尊巴舞、卡波埃拉舞、负荷锻炼方面的个人和集体训练课程以及一些特制的健身项目。

5.In fact, Zumba is kind of pke a combination of all the popular dances, pke Latin dances, belly dances.事实上,她有点像所有流行舞蹈,像拉丁,肚皮舞之类的综合。

6.If I start uncrossing now, is it too late? I should skip the squats in Zumba class. Do wedding registries ever include knee replacements?如果我现在开始起不翘二郎腿了还有救吗?跳尊巴舞的时候就不应该那么蹲着。结婚登记处能不能置换膝盖骨啊?

7.Zumba advocates full devotion and all freedom while dancing regardless of the steps or the tempo of music.它提倡全身心的投入和自由的表现而不用担心是否合舞步或者拍子。

8.The world's highest sports dancing, Zumba, is making its way into China.世界最流行的运动舞蹈Zumba,开始登陆中国。

9.For $30 a month, they can join the Zumba Instructor Network, post their class schedules, and access new music and choreography (zumba. com).每个月付30美金,这些人就可以加入尊巴舞教练网,刊登课程表,得到新音乐和舞蹈方法。